druken thred


In Cryo Sleep
i am absolutely wankered rigjt now and wuld like to first say waaaaaa then RAAAAA but ultimaty WOW IS COOL AN ITS IN CAPS SO IT MUST B TRU


In Cryo Sleep
apologies for this thred, it seems someone walked by me with a shandy and i got fucked on the fumes....pls dont let this act of random abandon effect the minds of the younger havenites out thr.
It is my sincere hope people avoid randomness and continue with thr meager and perpetual states of boredom in life...i mean what would we do if...i dunno.. Razzak finally got a sense of humour or baldy finally came out..or and i say this in the nicest way angelic got...a personality. It is a scary world my colleges and co gamers. il endeavor to do beter.
this was a partly political broadcast by the failparty.