Duskwallow marsh was merely a setback...


In Cryo Sleep
Dustwallow marsh was merely a setback...

Check what MMO-Champion just posted...

The Brood Mother Returns - Onyxia Raid in 3.2.2

Quote from: Zarhym (Source)She has lurked in her lair and done battle with the many brave adventurers who travelled to that familiar location over the years. Now, in honor of the World of Warcraft 5-year anniversary, the dreaded brood mother Onyxia is being revamped to make a return to the forefront of Azeroth, as part of our big plans for the upcoming 3.2.2 content patch.

This permanent update to Onyxia will convert the dungeon into 10- and 25-player modes. We will be adding new items to Onyxia’s loot table that have the same model as some of the classic loot from this dungeon, like Tier 2 helms, with stats updated to match the current level of content. There will be a special new item too: a normal drake-sized 310% speed flying mount modeled after Onyxia herself called an Onyxia Broodling. We will also be updating the encounter mechanics to be more fitting for modern raiding, but we can guarantee players will get to experience the frightening horror of deep breaths once again.

Then for a limited time, after the 5-year anniversary event officially begins in November, anybody who logs in will receive an Onyxia Brood Whelpling pet.

We’re very excited to bring this classic encounter back to provide a fun new experience for both new and veteran players. Further details will be available in the near future, and we will be setting up the Public Test Realms soon to help test out this fight along with all the new content we have planned for the patch. Keep an eye on the forums for updates!

Very nice stuff!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

On one hand: Woot! :D

On the other hand: bah, one less classic raid.. again... :)



Well-Known Member
I think I just had a vanillagasm.

We'll get to legitimately complain that she's Deep Breathing more, and Tbone will get to do the 50 DKP minus speeches!

Also, before anyone asks this, no, this announcement does not appear to be a joke considering some of the follow-up blue responses I have seen in the announcement thread.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, I wonder how much the fight will change.

*Saves her lucky roll for the mount*


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing there's a chance that the mount might not just be an easy drop... I mean, there's been no "easy" 310% speed mounts in Wrath so far. It's just the raid achievement Proto-drakes, the Gladiator Frostwyrms (grumble), and Mimiron's Head from Alone in the Dark 25...

If it is just a flat drop like the Phoenix was, though, then... well, yeah, everyone save up your lucky rolls!


Well-Known Member
I suspect you might have some competition for that one (from me at least) :)

Dude, you already outrolled me on the bronze (whcih I have still yet to obtain).. do you hate me or something? ;)

Anyway it's MY turn so bring it on ;)


Well-Known Member
With crusader.. 372% or 330%?

Either way.. vavavoom!


492% total, I think...

Works out as 100% (walking speed) + 310% (mount speed), then increase the total by 20%... I'm feeling very blonde right now, but 120% of 410 is 492, isn't it?

Same as how people think that epic ground mount + crusader = 120% increased speed; it isn't, the 20% is after the other totals, so it's 140% increase (240 total).


Well-Known Member
492% total, I think...

Works out as 100% (walking speed) + 310% (mount speed), then increase the total by 20%... I'm feeling very blonde right now, but 120% of 410 is 492, isn't it?

Same as how people think that epic ground mount + crusader = 120% increased speed; it isn't, the 20% is after the other totals, so it's 140% increase (240 total).

I rather think you've got to add up the percentages not to calculate them new everytime. So its 310% Flying Speed + 20 Crus Aura = 330 Flying Speed


In Cryo Sleep
Lithy means the right thing. With Crusader Aura the effective speed increase over walking is 392%. You still have to subtract the 100% walking speed afterwards to get a percentage that relates to the in-game mount tooltips.


Well-Known Member
Aye, I only found it worked that way when I was looking something up on the Riding Crop way back near the start of BC, but it is indeed how it works.