Dwarf Fortress Succession Game - Sign-Up

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As previously discussed, we're starting a Dwarf Fortress succession game. This means that each player will get one week to play one year of a fortress, starting with the save file of the previous player and passing a link to their end-of-year save onto the next person.

We will be using the Mike Mayday version of Dwarf Fortress v0.31.18 to give us a graphical client. In order to ensure that a save really occurs at the end of the year, and that you know when it's time to stop, I've uploaded a version with its settings tweaked.

Download DFG v0.31.18 for THN

You may only use version 0.31.18 to play and we will, in all likelihood, just stick to that version for the entire succession game. Save corruption between versions doesn't happen all the time but why take chances?

To make a single player game of this style more sociable, and so that future overseers have even the faintest clue what's been happening, all players are asked to create a thread for their year (when it's their turn) to describe what's going on, field questions from the floor, scream insanely about the elephants/goblins/mega-beasts/lava, post screenshots, ask for help and so on. At absolute minimum, a couple of paragraphs of retrospective and a link to your save, but preferably a bit of a running commentary. Kinda like an overseer's blog, I guess.

We'll play for as long as there's interest and as long as the fortress is usable. Even if you melt the entire fortress with lava, we'll probably just reclaim the site and see if we can't dig our way out of the mess. I reserve the right to change my mind if someone does something just staggeringly mind boggling, but mostly I anticipate that we're all just going to chuckle and commisserate with your successor when they have to clean up your mess.

If you're a newcomer to DF, or an old hand that hasn't played in a while, there's a lot of resources on the 'net to help you out but bear in mind that the recent version (often referred to as DF2010) has some significant changes to the older version and so, occasionally, tutorials might be inaccurate. Even more reason to have yourself a Fortress Blog thread to ask for wise guidance / beg for help / tell us of your mad antics.

The first week will start late evening on Saturday 18 December and run 'til the same time the following week, or slightly earlier. In all cases, I'd like the exchanges to happen on Saturday so if you can't play then let us know by Friday so we can arrange someone else. You can sign up at any time, but late sign-ups will be trumped by earlier sign-ups when it comes to first choice on when to play.

Reply below to register your intention to play and I'll update this post with a sequence. First come, first served, in terms of choosing where you want to play. If we run out of players and we still want to continue, we'll cycle round previous players. If you can't play in a particular week, or are reasonably worried you might not be able to get your turn back in time, let us know before you start and we'll look to swap someone else in for that week and slip you back by a week or something.

I suggest that the following links are used to help us manage this succession game:

  • Ge.tt - for uploading/downloading save files
  • Dwarf Therapist - for bulk management and easy overview of dwarf assignments
  • Dwarf Map Archive - for uploading compressed maps from DF (see the page and links for details on how)
  • Magma Wiki - for information on rocks, dwarves, beasts, tutorials, etc, etc

Current list of players in joining order:

Ronin Storm (embark and year 1)
BiG D (whenever)
Xarlaxas (after year 2)
Nanor (whenever)
Zooggy (whenever)
Angelic (asap)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just dropped a PM to all the others who expressed an interest but we've not heard more from...


Junior Administrator
I was interested, but hadn't played DF, now, how ever long it's been down the line :p, I just couldn't get into the game. Minecraft came in and took a large chunk of time up and is probably partly to blame ... :)


Active Member
Same as Trax to be honest, DF just didn't grab me as much as Minecraft did. Have fun with it all guys!


Active Member
I think maybe Angelic should get Year 2 from what he's posted in the call for interest thread? Then I could take Year 3 if that's okay? :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, that puts us to six intrepid fortress managers. I think the initial order of management is probably going to go:

  1. Ronin Storm
  2. Angelic
  3. Xarlaxas
  4. BiG D
  5. Nanor
  6. Zooggy

This may leave D carrying the bag for what comes before, but I guess thems the breaks... ;)

Still happy for more, and even after we start we can accommodate people at pretty much any time, just giving priority to those who have signed up earlier.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, as you've probably noticed, I've kicked off [thread=16304]year 1 (1051)[/thread] and I'll post updates and screenshots through the week in that thread.

On Christmas Day (hmm, perhaps not such great timing) I'll hand my save file over to Angelic who can start his own thread and has a week to play. @Ang: let me know if that's a problem.

Still happy to take on more people but we've got the first while covered so we're good for now.