E3 News Thread


In Cryo Sleep
Not sure why we dont have one... will try keep it up to date ad your own as i have to eat and things... (some might be very old but its all confirmed now)

Supermario Galaxy 2

Left For Dead 2 (hand to had weapons and in Louisiana oh and CHAINSAW!) november

Asassins creed 2 (in more detail) November 17

xbox 360 motion sensormabob like a web cam

New super mario brothers 3d left to right scroller.

PsP GO ... new retarded psp, much smalelr with a flip out screen

PS3 Exclusive Final Fantasy XIV Announced

Crysis 2 http://kotaku.com/5274985/crysis-2-trailer-is-light-on-the-crysis-2

.... loads more have been absorbing it for a day or 2 now and its meh


Junior Administrator
regarding FFXIV, XIII isn't out yet and that was initially announced as a PS3 exclusive.

If Square want to cut their potential profits from it in half by signing an exclusivity deal with Sony then that's their problem


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't surprise me of Sony have agreed a lump sum to Squeenix for this exclusive.


In Cryo Sleep
Excellent news for Nintendo fans; Nintendo is cooperating with Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden) to make a new Metroid which will be mainly 3rd person, going by the trailer that was shown.

A game that isn't on E3 as far as I know but is still one to look forward to: The Secret World by Funcom (Age of Conan, let's hope they learned their lessons from that) , a MMO set in the current day about secret plots and a hidden world within our own. Check the official forum for what's known so far. If this game realizes even half of its potential, I'll definetely be playing it!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The trailer for The Secret World is excellent. Wonderfully evocative.

Speaking of great trailers, I really like the trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic (link to: Eurogamer, in HD).

A peculiar one for me to be interested in, because I don't have a PS3, is Heavy Rain (link to: Eurogamer, trailer in HD) but it's from the same guys who did Fahrenheit and that's one of my favourite games ever so I'd even consider buying (or borrowing) a PS3 just to play that.


In Cryo Sleep
Perfect Dark N64 supposed to be coming out on Xbox Live Arcade this winter:

Eurogamer's Story

I'll probably give it a miss since I've still got it for N64, but if there's anybody here that's never played it, or are wondering 'What the f*** is Perfect Dark?', then I'd suggest you give this a serious look into.


Well-Known Member

(yes caps was intended) ... it looks so awesome (especially to a Warhammer Fan ;) )


Junior Administrator

(yes caps was intended) ... it looks so awesome (especially to a Warhammer Fan ;) )

I want them to make a game where the focus isn't on the spazz marines, yes we know they are big and burly. But they suck. I want some more of the other races.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, I like the look of AvP but I hope it's more than a brush up of the earlier games. And I really hope there's an awesome coop mode!