Eamon Holmes butt boy...


In Cryo Sleep
Thats right,

Just got a call from wildrover today. My first proper gig as a science presenter is to be the big science quiz, hosted by Holmes. Signing the contract tomorrow.

Huzzah and Lawl...

[mod]Moved to general chat. Haven[/mod]


Junior Administrator
So ur gonna be on telly as an underling of Eamonn Holmes? Congrats!!!

Any idea when we're gonna be able to see your mug on the tv?

is it gonna be live? (if it is you are so in for some abuse)... ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Hooray! I can't wait to see this. Besides the fact you're presenting it, it sounds like it could be a good show :P

Be sure to let us mortals know when it starts and when it's on and where it's on (Although I believe you said Sky One?)


Well-Known Member
OMG! You better slip out my name!!!!! If you don't you will die!

And Yay for you! :)


In Cryo Sleep
And the third question, on the internal structure of the cell. What is the name of the body that ribo-NANOR!-somes are found adhered to?

If I ever have to say banana on live TV im going to say bananor. Maybe Loki could squeeze in a bananor somewhere, that would be worth a video taping.

Oh, and congrats on the opportunity!

Oh and by the way - rough endoplasmic reticulum :)