Ebuyer £1 Sale


Well-Known Member
Turns out to have been a bit of a bummer then, unless they're going to add some more stuff later in the day.


Active Member
They were selling a 20" Samsung monitor for £1 but the site is so slow and lame that I couldn't get one. :(

I'll admit that this is better than Black Friday in the US, people don't get pepper-sprayed or shot while making online orders from their house. . . .


New Member
Just managed to get on the site to discover it's all over.
I normally love ebuyer but this was stupid.

Also, Facebook sucks! Why do these companies insist on using it for marketing?
Do not have or want a Facebook account!


Well-Known Member
You didn't miss much, loads of people whining about low quantities of stuff.

To be fair it was a £1 sale so it was only going to be them getting rid of the odd bits and pieces of shit that are clogging up their storage space.


Active Member
Aye, it was mostly tat from what I saw, but with a few shiny things like that monitor I mentioned to lure in the punters.