"elitist groups" explained... hopefully


In Cryo Sleep
I know like T-bones recent post that 8 man group seemed like pure elitism, and unfortunately it was never explained why it was kept so close nit. Firstly i want to point out that the 8 man naxx run done months ago was meant as an initial test, to see if it was possible, but the responce we were given left people in sour moods for ages, both members and officers.

The reason why the 8 man run was so selective was for a few simple reasons.

1. We had about 30 active raiders at the time, and only wanted to do 1 test run, 30 yesses and 8 spots. Announcing it like that would just torment more people.

2. Group logistics. 2 people down, you need to find what to remove, you still need 2 tanks and atleast 2 healers, agruably 3 for some fights. which leaves you with 3 or 4 DPS instead of 5 or 6. [keep in mind this was also before duel spec, which makes life so much easier now].
At the same time within those 8 people you need atleas 1 who can de-curse, one to dispell diseases, and one to dispell poisons and 1 damn good kiter for gluth [we still have some attempts that fail with 2].
Then you have to look at what buffs your raid NEEDS, being short on people buffs like Kings, Wisdom, Fortitute, Arcane intellect suddenly become more valuable.
Most importantly your remaining DPS also need to be doing enough damage to make up for the fact your 2 people down.

At the time the requirments for such a group meant the selection of those who went had to be selective in order for it to succeed, especially when we consider that at the time most out 10 mans barely managed to finish a ful naxx run.

I will admit, i do see the elitism in some of these groups, and im not going to deny that to an extent it probably does exist, but as mentioned before alot of the selection is based more on just skill and gear, its also based on competance, knowledge of the instance, how good your connection is, what class you are [yes despite what blizzard say this is still a strong consideration].

As hard as it is, please try not to get offended if your left out. Not being selected is bound to annoy people because no one likes missing out. Its not always an easy choice when it comes to selecting our best for these sorts of things. DPS is an easier choice, we look at the small pool of members we have doing the right numbers, select what classes we need most, and those with the most experience but even then the choice isnt simple and believe it or not sometimes even some of "the elite" have been left out. When it comes to tanks or healers its a far harder choice because of the limited spots, and the difficulty of gauging who is a better tank or healer. Again the choice is primarily made on gear, Experience and then class.

One highly important point i want to make clear: If you are not chosen, it does not automatically mean we think your rubbish. If you think your a good player and deserve to be in a group your missing out on, then most likely you are that good and do deserve to be in that group, but that decision had to be made on something more arbitary, such as your class or knowledge of the instance and it was a tough choice to leave you out.

Unfortunately alot of it will come across as elitist, because no matter how you look at it, whether its the ulduar groups, or 8 man naxx, it IS elitist. We need our most elite members for some of these jobs, and alot of our best people happen to be members of the officer group, it is just an unfortunate fact. But its not like we are being completely selfish and un-diplomatic. We do our best in the normal raiding rotation to include everyone and give everyone a fair chance at seeing the instances.

To be blunt though there are a few people in this guild, who raid with us rather constantly and if they were in an actual raiding guild, who were truly as elitist as some people try to make out that we are; wouldnt be here [this is aimed at no one in particular so please dont interpret it as such].

When considering our raid groups on normal weeks we try to be as diplomatic as possible, but its impossible to be fair to everyone and at the same time have a raid group that will work, run well and go smoothly. Trust me, if the game let us take anyone and everyone we wanted each week and still succeed, then all our problems would be solved, because trust me when i say that the people being acused of being elitist, do not like being called as such, and i can garantee you that ask anyone of those who youd acuse and they would say the same.

I've organised raids, and leaving people out, and choosing those for such a selective group is incredibly difficult. Not because its hard choosing who gets to go, its incredibly painful choosing who DOESNT. None of us enjoy telling people they cant raid, we dont like telling people they cannot come to ulduar. If we could we would let everyone who has signed up raid, and we do our best to let that happen. We DO enjoy raiding with everyone in the guild, we do consider everyone friends, or at the very least collegues.

All im trying to say is that alot of these accusations make it seem as if leaving out our good people and friends from raids is an easy decision when infact it couldnt be further from the truth because we know we WILL get aggrivated responces and we have in the past lost some of our better players and most respected friends. This is perhaps the reason that it has taken T-bone so long to make his suggestion about ulduar groups.

After his suggested 3 weeks is over i have no doubt we will return to attempting 2 even groups of ulduar each week and continue trying to include everyone into our raiding while at the same time creating successful groups.

At the very lest i hope anyone who has read this post feels a little more insightful into the though process behind our raid selection, and understand that it is not us choosing groups based on who we enjoy playing with most.

Zooggy, if this thread even begins to start turning sour like the last one please lock it. To everyone else, this post is mostly from my stand point, i know im not as involved in alot of this as the other officers, but i hope i have relieved you of some of your concens and ill try to help with any others.


In Cryo Sleep
Since my other thread has been locked I want to hijack Zhinrak's and address the issue raised by Ellincia and Brighthorn which is "What happens if after the three weeks you still haven't cleared the place?". First of all thanks to the people who said you think that this is the likely outcome You know who you are), way to show team spirit. Secondly if we don't clear the whole place we will have gained something that I feel I am lacking, which is confidence and knowledge on any of the bosses past the siege and Kologarn, which we can then use to make our two group system work better. In one sense it matters a lot for guild morale for two reasons. One to show that the guild can do it, and two to silence the critics of this plan within the guild and show them it was a necessary step. Yet, on the other hand, it doesn't matter so much if we do clear it or not as, from my Point of view, the experience myself and others will gain from the bosses we will do will make all the difference.

Moving on, I really don't want this to turn into a flame way with Silk but I still want to address some of her further concerns as well. The first that comes to mind was when you said that I contradicted myself by saying your teamwork was what needed then telling you to "go fanny about in pugs". This wasn't the entirety of my suggestion. I suggested to pug to improve your gear, which good as it is, can always be improved. I then suggested to go to another run with perhaps Lideon who is another tank in our guild who is "on the bubble" and do some runs with him and get your teamwork flowing with him and the people the two of you are keeping alive. The second thing was that, yes you have put a lot of effort in since you got 80 and don't think I haven't noticed that, I have. The thing that annoys me most is that people who hit 80 and expect a free ride into raid content. When I got to 80 on both my paladin and warlock I spent weeks farming heroics, doing some theory craft and getting my gear as good as it could before heroics. As far as I know you have done the same. However, this still doesn't entitle you to step in place over a tank who has both done that and gotten much better gear and more experience from raiding. I've been trying to find an analogy and the best I can come up with is that of a football team (bear with me). When a new player is signed, no matter how good, they will get a game or two to prove themselves but will probably not immediately get a first team place (unless they are replacing an outgoing player). They will have to compete with the people already in the team who work well as a team to get a spot. They do this by going to training and practising a lot with the team and also by keeping themselves at their physical peek. I'm sure you can see all the similarities there. Now the problem is that we don't have a training program 4 days a week because, we have real lives, so sometimes you have to help us out and organise your own. Be (I can't believe I'm saying this) pro-active about it. You have the potential, your half way there but you need to keep pushing and not expect a free ride.

I hope this helps somewhat.

-- The Unbreakable One


Again, like T-Bone I apologise for hjacking Zhinrak's thread. Yeah, I believe that some people in the previous thread seem to be quite misguided in the opinion in how to move on. THIS is the only way for PROPER progression. The way that others want to do this is to muster on, have two groups that get to the same stage, mainly before the keepers and stop. This has happened for a long time, so lets face it, it is not working. Spreading the little butter we have over two slices so that there is a thin layer to only moisten the palate is not going to be as good as one nicely covered slice to get the proper taste. Hopefully you see what I mean.

I am going to aim not to get personal here, but there appears to be a lot of discussion over teamwork, then people being quite malicious about things, maybe showing what I believe Raz was trying to say was attititude. You guys are talking about elitist here, elitist there, and that you feel that this won't work and then being quite vindictive about things. This is not really going to change peoples opinions of you, and go obviously they are really good, if you are being quite disrespectful to people. Also, raiding is about teamwork and enjoying it with people and working well, so when people are being vindictive because their ego's have been a little dented because they have not been included, maybe they should take stock and go is this why I have not been included in this sort of set up.

I believe that is 100% the right move and that is why it has largely been backed by the masses. I am now looking forward to seeing this group go and clear Ulduar, and then once the three week peroid is up returning to raiding.


In Cryo Sleep
I agree that this course of action, though not optimal for Guild morale, is probably the best decision at this point in time. I'm with the guild leadership on this one.


New Member
Since my other thread has been locked I want to hijack Zhinrak's and address the issue raised by Ellincia and Brighthorn which is "What happens if after the three weeks you still haven't cleared the place?". First of all thanks to the people who said you think that this is the likely outcome You know who you are), way to show team spirit.

First of all... This is not the question that I asked ;) I asked what will happen if we do not have the numbers after the three weeks! ( and that question has been answered by Lithy already :) )
Second, I have read who are in the team.... I am absolutly sure you guys are going to make it :)

And I also agree with Marqo, even though I am 'left out' and not a elite Ulduar raider member :D

Love you guys,


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

people being quite malicious [...] maybe they should take stock and go is this why I have not been included

Oh, god! :eek:

No. It's not.

Everything that's happened on these threads, from either and all sides, are natural human reactions to a decision that, right as it was, was rather hard to make, nonetheless.

Go reread the threads. There's some pride, some hope, some support, some wishful thinking, some annoyance, some contrition, some uppitiness, and some genuine earnest. Normal, human. These are real, human, decent, cool people whose words you're reading on your screen.

No one here is punishing or being punished for anything said or done in these threads.


Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
I've already said my piece in the other thread, but I just want to say;

If for a moment I suspected this whole 'elitist group' thing was going on, or that my playing skills were being insulted or in fact, any of the other issues.

If I suspected that at all, I'd raise an issue. And trust me, I'm quite vocal when I want to be. I can easily understand that this is a decision for the betterment of the guild itself, and will stand by T-Bone and the rest of the officers until earlier accusations can be truly justified and verified.

I think if the guild can pull through this in high spirits, it will not only allow us to progress on to new, and amazing heights, but show our strength as a community. I think it will prove that, though we're not the most achieving guild out there, I'll be damned if we're not the best.

Dr Drae


In Cryo Sleep
okay i'm bit drunk... fuckin sloshed actualyy, but i have to say something to this...

a) t-bone - i don't what did i bring up, but whatever, as long as it was constructive issue, yay for myself :D

b) teamwork - in pugs you are FORCED to do your best, since otherwise the whole raid would go to hell and it will just end in abother wipefest. it helps uou react faster and stuff like that, so pugging every now and then is quite good.

c) theorycraft - this was kinda touched here in t-bone's reply and it's something i've noticed quite a few months back... please peopel, when you have NAY questions about your class or whatnot, do consult some very confusing, but aslo very helpful forums as elitist jerks as well... i mean, we all can give you shitload of our opinions, but we cannpt match with those freaks who calculate the likelihood of you getting a drink while multitanking boss and 3 adds... it is messy, but once you get into it, you can get VERY usegul shtuff from there...

d) again, i support this "elitism" as long as it si for a strict period of time, since i know it does have a good outcome and it works for the better furure of the guild...

piace out!


Sometimes it is a bit annoying not to be invited to the raid, but what are you going to do, whine:S? Did you want some cheese with your whine?:rolleyes:
It is progression what we are talking about. So i figured that let the "elite" guys go do their thing and eventually we the not so "elite" will also get into Ulduar etc.
And after that we are going to be one big happy guild.:)

And now i'm speaking for myself. Yes, it is nice to be in the group that dose guild 1st kills etc, but if i'm in a other group 1, 2 or 3 weeks later and get the kill and maybe some achievement that comes with the kill it is going to be fine with me.


New Member
I Know as I have not been around that I don't know whats going on but from what I have read the plan to send single choice group of havens best to conquer uldar instead of sending two groups in that are getting stuck in the same place sounds like a good plan in the long run.

As the chances of success is greater and that group will gear up well and after they return as victor's they can split and add others into the grp and return with the experience they gained to pass onto the others, meaning they have more chance to clear it and all is well.

All I can say is good luck


Well-Known Member
Aye, except for the fact that we went in with a group that had no hunters, warriors or shamans... can you guess which Tier 8 piece dropped from Mimiron? >.<


Well-Known Member
Not to mention several bits of mail that would only be of use to a Resto/Elem shammie, which we have one of each among our raiders, and neither of whom have been particularly Ulduar-inclined lately...

Sod's Law, huh?