Well-Known Member
You begin in the game in your cave-home, with some nice people teaching you how to play. They ask you to eat a beggar's corpse, equip a bow, dig, among other things. After learning how to play you can exit the cave and go to the beginner's cave. Or if you'd rather stock up and see what you can buy, you can go to Vernis. From there it's whatever you want to make of it. You can go perform to gain in the performer skill and be a rich piano player, or slaughter hordes of monsters in dungeons. Of course there is more to this game than that, though.
As you can see there's a large world to explore. Several locations are not listed on that map, just because I didn't want to spoil anything.
At the beginning you're going to be prompted to pick a companion. It's just the bland list of companions that you can usually pick in games with pets/partners:
With each pet you can go into battle, and fight evil with each other. You can talk to your pet, and equip your pet. After getting a ranch you can breed and sell pets there(Among other things, such as gene splicing).
After killing some enemies, you will notice the pet will look at you admiringly etc while in battle. This is because your relationship is going up with it. The higher this goes, the stronger it feels towards you. You can even get married after its relation gets to (???)*love*.
Here's me trying to marry my younger sister:
As you can see my relationship (Impress) is far under the required. At 150 it goes to (???)Friend and turns to the required at 200.
After being married you can become sleepy with your wife/husband/HORRIBLE MONSTER near by and talk to them. When you talk to theme there will be the Create Gene option. This of course allowes you to copulate and create offspring. Following this you can stuff everything you have into a heir chest and use the incarnate a character option on the main screen. You will play as your child when doing this. Here's an image of the act:
(Notice the increased 'short sword' and 'anatomy' skills)
Then there's the second option. If you have good charisma, you can whore yourself out. I'm sure everyone on here will love doing this.
Here's the visual novel of such an interaction:
And she thought she was just visiting my home. Feh!
Of course this game is not discriminate in the least and even appeals to the homosexuals. You can do the same with a man. Gay marriage is also allowed, don't worry.
Actually you can do this with ANY species. Find a tentacle monster you can use a rod of domination on? Go for it, if that's what you like.
Then there are other hilarious oddities such as panties being a weapon. There is quite a long storyline, of which I have not even finished the first dungeon. I am sorry I can not deliver on that section.
Some final notes:
Pretty A+ roguelike in my opinion. To learn more, you're going to have to play!
Also dog-raping
As you can see there's a large world to explore. Several locations are not listed on that map, just because I didn't want to spoil anything.
At the beginning you're going to be prompted to pick a companion. It's just the bland list of companions that you can usually pick in games with pets/partners:
- A dog
- A cat
- Firerain's Bear
- A little girl
With each pet you can go into battle, and fight evil with each other. You can talk to your pet, and equip your pet. After getting a ranch you can breed and sell pets there(Among other things, such as gene splicing).
After killing some enemies, you will notice the pet will look at you admiringly etc while in battle. This is because your relationship is going up with it. The higher this goes, the stronger it feels towards you. You can even get married after its relation gets to (???)*love*.
Here's me trying to marry my younger sister:
As you can see my relationship (Impress) is far under the required. At 150 it goes to (???)Friend and turns to the required at 200.
After being married you can become sleepy with your wife/husband/HORRIBLE MONSTER near by and talk to them. When you talk to theme there will be the Create Gene option. This of course allowes you to copulate and create offspring. Following this you can stuff everything you have into a heir chest and use the incarnate a character option on the main screen. You will play as your child when doing this. Here's an image of the act:
(Notice the increased 'short sword' and 'anatomy' skills)
Then there's the second option. If you have good charisma, you can whore yourself out. I'm sure everyone on here will love doing this.
- Get target drunk. By giving them a beer or them drinking one themselves.
- Hit nteract and move in their direction.
[*]Select the obvious option.
[*]You drive the target 'insane' and they give you all their money.
Here's the visual novel of such an interaction:
And she thought she was just visiting my home. Feh!
Of course this game is not discriminate in the least and even appeals to the homosexuals. You can do the same with a man. Gay marriage is also allowed, don't worry.
Actually you can do this with ANY species. Find a tentacle monster you can use a rod of domination on? Go for it, if that's what you like.
Then there are other hilarious oddities such as panties being a weapon. There is quite a long storyline, of which I have not even finished the first dungeon. I am sorry I can not deliver on that section.
Some final notes:
- Do not try to perform in the Vernis bar. You will be killed.
- Go dungeon diving in the puppy cave repeatedly to try and find good scrolls. When you identify a specific scroll potion or anything it will automatically be identified when you see it again.
- Do delivery quests to get pp and gold early on.
- You may not want too much fame as it increases difficulty of road-monsters
- The better the item, the better effect when you use it(Beds, instruments).
- Save items that null confuse, sleep, or other debilitating status effects.
- As everyone in vernis will agree, Shena apparently has a nice figure.
- Some moongates can screw you over. Such as the Touhou moongate. But others can give you TONS of exp. Before you even move when you go into a moongate, see if you can get to the edge. If so, make getting to the edge your first move.
- Pay taxes by [O]pening the tax box in the embassy and putting bills in there
- Less than -30 karma makes guards attack.
Pretty A+ roguelike in my opinion. To learn more, you're going to have to play!
Also dog-raping