
Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've probably got enough materials to push me over Enchanting 90. That'll give us our first weapon enchantments (if you've not already bought them off other enchantment touts).

First up, Minor Beastslaying, red glow, +2 damage against beasts, any weapon.

However, it's pretty expensive in terms of materials (at this level). Greater Magic Essence is the thing I'm short on (or 3x Lesser Magic Essence), as I can usually get the Strange Dust off almost any sub-20 item.

Get me items for the Magic Essence, I'll glow your weapons for free. Usually sold around 80s a-piece, on other servers.

I can also do some other minor enchantments:

  • +1 Stamina on bracers
  • +10 Armour on cloak
  • +20 Mana on chest
  • +1 all schools of Resistance on cloak

They're probably my best thus far. Working on the rest.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've now got enough materials and skill for Minor Beastslaying.

In rough order, I believe I owe Nanor, Haven then Fury. Currently, I've only got enough materials for 2 weapons, but I'll acquire more as people send me green kit.


Staff member
Nah you don't owe me anything mate. I give the green for the good of the team :)