EndWar voice commands

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Eurogamer have a video on EndWar's voice command system. It's only quite short but it details how the voice command system works. Either you hold down the right mouse button and make selections of "Unit 7 Attack Hostile 9" or you can actually say that out loud through the microphone and the same effect is to be had.

Makes me wonder how it'll deal with Nanor's Irish accent...?


Well-Known Member
"Attayck Yewwknit Nine"
"Command not recognised"
"What 'e fuck"
"Command not recognised"
"Fuck away aff, piece o' dung!"


Well-Known Member
I can imagine the confused responce when fighting in woodland, and you tell them to "attack unit 3" ;)


Junior Administrator
Unreal Tournament 2007 was supposed to have the ability to listen to your voice after a few training things in the settings panel, and then you could tell the AI what to do over the in-game VoIP, instead they cancelled UT2k7, and brought out UT3, which, still hasn't really lived up to its name, its pretty much just 2k4 with a better engine...


Staff member
The game lets you train it before you start into the campaign, so I would guess that's how it would deal with nanor.

The game itself can be played entirely by talking, which is nifty. You can jump the camera from unit to unit, give orders, request reinforcements, and launch air strikes all without using the controller. Well, you have to hold down the trigger to use voice commands, but otherwise :p

It seems like a solid system, especially once you're familiar with common commands. My biggest complaint at this point is it's quite difficult to get information from the interface. I never know what I'm being attacked by, cause it's difficult to get the camera anywhere close. If that's by design, I like it, actually. It could also be that I'm just missing something, too...


Staff member
Check your junkmail folder. Their first attempt had some sort of malformed html crap, and apparantly nobody got it... (gmail happily marked it as spam for me.) They sent another plaintext version yesterday, but depending on how your filters work it could've been marked as spam based on the first email...


Staff member
The demo is live for those of us with an xbox. Give it a try, at the very least it's an intriguing control method.