The Demanding Gamer Review's: TF2 Engie Update
The Demanding Gamer Review's: Team Fortress 2 Engineer update
What are peoples' thoughts on the update then so far?
After having done
a lot of testing with the new functions and items, I can say this:
The Wrangler: 'Tis a good function that gives the Engie more to do than to just sit there, staring at the texture. You now actually get to
do something more than sit, build and repair.
The shield has a good amount of health when using this item. But I can also safely say that any Soldier, Heavy or Demo with a good aim can still take out the Wrangled Sentry, even at level 3(This has been tested on 32-player
CTF_2Fort just to get the most out of stress testing).
Since one can still take out the Sentry this way, I can say that it isn't overpowered. But rather a bit more resilient than it used to be, which is a good thing.
A Spy can still take out the Sentry as well, and the Spy now has an easier way of taking out the Engie when wrangling as the Engie will be more focused on one thing. Aiming and shooting manually.
Also: The further away the target is, the harder it is to hit them. Keep in mind that the guns on a Sentry spray(Each of the two guns spraying equally to the Heavy's minigun Natascha)
Response - Max Range: If they were to set a new max range on the Sentry, then they should do so will -all- of the firearms in the entire game to balance things out from scratch, including the sniper rifle and the bow. Even with a good aim it is still tricky to pop someone half-way across the map while using The Wrangler. And a Sniper can still take out the Engie and the Sentry(Have tried as a Sniper as well just to verify this as others have had these thoughts and questions as well) There is currently a max range already in place. The range is field-of-view(I.E; How far away you can actually see things)
Mini-Sentry & The Gunslinger: Replacing any of the two wrenches in the game(The new wrench being The Southern Hospitality, which is awesome) with The Gunslinger(Also replaces the Engies gloved hand) will give you the ability to build a Mini-Sentry instead of the normal one. This small emergency Sentry tripod will help occupy the enemy for a while. The construction time is four times less than the normal time it takes to build a tripod.
It fire's off it's bullets a bit quicker. But isntead does half of the damage of a normal tripod Sentry.
This I find this balanced as the Mini-Sentry is only supposed to be a distraction while you build your teleporters, dispenser or other teammates getting into position/building (a) larger Sentry(/ies) or for quickly setting up a trap.
The Gunslinger arm gives you +25 health to make up for the low damage of the Mini-Sentry, which I also find balanced as you cannot rely on the emergency tripod gun to tank all that heavy damage and the fact that it cannot be repaired. The Gunslinger cannot randomly crit.
The Frontier Justice:
This item replaces your shotgun and gives you the chance to gain revenge crits/kills when someone destroys your building(s). Unlike the shotgun, you only have three shots (-50% clip size)before having to reload. This is an acceptable amount of rounds to get the job done.
The Southern Hospitality:
Replaces the Wrench with a new one(This one also looks better).
Excelent for hitting people with. Gives 20% minus points to fire vulnerability. But on_hit gives a bleed effect instead. It cannot randomly crit anyone. But the bleed function makes up for that.
The Engineer is
much more active now, which means more fun to play. But can still be taken out and so can the buildings. A near-perfect balance between Engie Vs other classes that makes the game so much more interesting. Some of you might say "Boo, overpowered". The fact is that Engie isn't overpowered. But instead a more active class that can help out with more than just sitting there, building, upgrading and repairing.
I dare, even say more useful to the team than before.
The Demanding Gamer rate's TF2 - Engineer Update: 4.5 / 5