... errr..... [TF2]?


In Cryo Sleep
It would appear that which ever class kills more this week gets the extra unlock o_O

Indeed so. But its not just general kills. Its kills against each other.

So # of kills of demomen by soldiers, or # of kills of soldiers by demomen.

Lets kill those demomen!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Loved the change in the announcer the last few days :D

Always seemed to get my ass handed to me by demo men as soldier though :(


Staff member
So, in case you haven't been paying attention, the soldier has won, and the scout had the sandman nerfed.


In Cryo Sleep
Im liking the fact that the servers dont seem to be full of soldiers and demomen. Thers more spies on this server then there are soldiers or demomen! Which is good, considering the amount of people who bitch about it!

This whole smelting/crafting thing is interesting......


Active Member
What server is this? I was playing TF2 for a good few hours last night and every server I was on was filled with bloody demomen!!!! It was insane and not much fun :(


Staff member
All the servers I played on were mostly demomen running about decapitating people, as well. I thought it was rather fun, though, as the backburner is very effective when people charge right past you :p


In Cryo Sleep
Maybe I've just been lucky to be on the larger servers with class count limits on then and just not noticed it *-)

There are lots of noobs on though. *sigh*. Had some little kid (guy or a girl - not sure!) going "ive got a 6 kill streak with a sentry! wow!" *headdesk*. And then was called a dickhead when i went in and killed one of the sentries. Oh well.

Annoyingly, something spazzy is going on with the steam servers thats making it not do the proper class loudouts at the moment. *-) So I don't have my trusty backburner!

I've found that the stupid demomen with their stupid swords are a bit of an ass to kill when youre jumping around with them trying to kill each other. Had several times when ive been burning them pretty constantly for over 5 seconds with the backburner (before the steam servers died), and in one hit, they kill me straight off, and I see that they still have over half health. Dunno if the variables of how much health advantage demomen get need to be tweaked, but its quite annoying!

Havent played on the new maps enough yet though. gorge looks a tad..... dull, and I'm yet to see the other one.


In Cryo Sleep
ive been playing the update a while now since its been out and my main gripe is how fucking overpowered that shield and sword is. Especially when fighting a soldier.

With the shield you need 4.4 rockets to hit them directly to kill them, or 3.5 from the new DH. Ive hit demo men in mid air with crit rockets only to have them land and decapitate me in one hit.

The speed and health from the sword, combine with the extended melee range it has means he is now the ultimate melee class, and the shield makes him near impossible for pyros and especially soldiers to deal with. If im close enough to use the shotgun they are close enough to charge and stab, and if in melee i jsut have to hope the pickaxe helps me kill them before that stupid extended range lips my head off from 15ft away.

Make the shield give 25% over all damage reduction, and reduce the extended range on the sword and it might be more balanced


In Cryo Sleep
Yup. Seconded. I can happily run around in circles with demomen constantly for about 5 seconds, only to then be decapitated in one hit, and find that they still have over 50% health left.

Have submitted a "gameplay/tactics" bug report about it anyway, as I'm sure a lot of others have. And its not like they havent tweaked values like that before in game, so....


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who uses the shotgun while fighting demomen with the targe as a soldier? You know, like you should.


In Cryo Sleep
One stupid disk of wood shouldnt stop someone from burning to death IMO.

But thats beside the point:

Anyone had a chance to play with some of the bots theyve now introduced into some of the KOTH maps? I've been playing with / watching some of them (got a chunk of demomen achvs when I forced them to all be engy!) and theyre pretty realistic. A lot better than I thought. Its interesting ( from a software dev point of view at least) to watch them play, and work out how theyve been coded to play. Things like - even though one team is about to lose unless they capture the point back, a sniper whos standing a few metres away, will still just stand and snipe and not do anything. Medics are quite good too. Might try sticking a load of spies on a server and see what they do - whether they try and backstab people or just shoot and cap the point.

One point I dont know is how superhuman the bots thought is. E.g. if there were a bunch of players on random classes on a blue team, and a red spy tries to hide amongst them, do the bots count how many players of what type they can see, and make judgements? Whereas in a normal game, this wouldnt happen (who honestly knows how many of which class there is on the team!).

Will be good to see them extend this into the rest of the maps soon though. Apparentyl the bots arent clever enough for that yet :p


In Cryo Sleep
Am I the only one who uses the shotgun while fighting demomen with the targe as a soldier? You know, like you should.

I'm sorry I'm too busy using my buff banner and my flare gun.

The shield is stupid because it gives TOO much damage reduction against two specific damage types which potentially renders 3/9 classes mostly useless in direct combat.

I personally am fed up of the "just use your shotgun" excuse. Its' the same with spawn campers claiming its fine as they have 2 exits. As i mentioned i personally use the flare gun and buff-banner, So I'm left with melee, and that sword often means the demo has a distinct advantage over everyone else in melee mainly due to its extended range, along side more health and speed. [i've seen demo's chase scouts down ffs]

No matter the advantages other classes had over each other it was still possible to overcome them through skill. For example a good enough pyro can still easily annihilate a heavy if they know what they are doing. Heck i've seen decent scouts manage to floor a Natasha heavy.

How ever now i see demo men charging headfirst into enemies, killing a small handful of people only to charge back out on 30% health after being burnt and pummeled with rockets, enough to kill a heavy 3 times over, to then brag about being skilled. Its not skill, its called being harder than a heavy and faster than a scout.

IMO Percentage damage reduction as a defensive mechanic does not belong in TF2.