What about, Travelling between the two systems? I'm primarily at Pator, but do still frequently travel over to Caldari space as I get the odd level IV mission to do with the other people
I'm currently in Pator as that is where my missions are based however as I'm starting to get level 3 stuff I may come back over. Depends where the best quality stuff is.
I don't really know what I want for my character, so I'm mostly just flying salvage runs out of Pator at this point. I do plan on moving back to Caldari space in the future.
I didn't know you lot had offices in Pator.. I'm mostly operating two jumps out of Rens at the moment, in the same region. I shall have to swing over and say hi at some point.
Hehe, Pator is a little out of my way from Eletta so I'll stay with my mining corp over here. Besides, what would this area do without it's supply of cruisers and railgun ammo?