[EVE] EVE Gate Alpha now up


Junior Administrator
"spacebook", or cosmos, or, EVE Gate as it's currently going to be called, is now up as an alpha for testing.

link to EVE Gate
Link to devblog on it

Go play!


They have taken a snapshot of the database from about 3 weeks ago it would seem. This is while I was in the middle of switching corps, my title in my old corp was changed to "Mongolian Fudgepacker" so it currently lists me in there as "thatbloke - Mongolian Fudgepacker".

Captain Soap I love you..............


Active Member
Just to confirm it is running off of Sisi, it isn't just an old database snapshot. You can test this by asking someone to send you a mail from sisi, then checking it out on EveGate and replying back to them.