[EVE] EVE Links & Resources

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm going to start collating all the various links and resources for EVE that we might find useful and you can help too! I want the site name and site URL, a brief (two line) description of what the site is about, then names and URLs of any vital links that site contains with a very brief (one line) description of why they're vital. I'll update this post with any information we find. It'd really help if you'd use the same format as me, which I'll post at the bottom of the page.



The skill planning tool for EVE. No pod pilot should leave home without it.

Contributed by Ronin Storm, 20 May 2008


2D EVE Maps

EVE universe maps in 2D outside of EVE in PDF form. Much less graphical and obviously without the filters but still very useful.

  • Download - seems to require either no ad-blocking or IE

Contributed by Killer-mk1, 7 April 2008


EVE Asset Manager

Provides access to your characters' (and Corp's) inventories and assets across all locations and then allows for filtering and reporting.

Contributed by Ronin Storm, 20 May 2008


Vagabond's Rest

Role-play focused community currently playing EVE as Titan Mining LLC. Friendly, experienced, mature players. Posting lots of useful information as they go from newbies to hardcore pod pilots.

  • The Repository - collection of resources and links on EVE, particularly early game stuff (requires registration)

Contributed by Ronin Storm, 20 May 2008


All About Eve Online

A host of game guides about useful stuff. Short sweet and to the point.

  • Deadspace Complexes - handy little PDF explaining the different Deadspace types and how to find them, good For new players.

Contributed by VibroAxe, 31 May 2008


OMG Rawr

Bash.org for Eve Online, some good, some bad.

Contributed by VibroAxe, 31 May 2008


Eve Refinery

You provide it a full API key and it will, based on the parameters you set, tel you whether or not it's worth refining all that mission lewt you have lying around or selling it.
Contributed by Thatbloke, July 2010



[noparse]Vagabond's Rest

Role-play focused community currently playing EVE as Titan Mining LLC. Friendly, experienced, mature players. Posting lots of useful information as they go from newbies to hardcore pod pilots.

  • The Repository - collection of resources and links on EVE, particularly early game stuff (requires registration)


Junior Administrator
All About Eve Online
A host of Game Guides about usefull stuff. Short sweet and to the point
  • Deadspace Complexes - Handy Little PDF Explaining the different Deadspace types and how to find them (Good For Noobies like BEX)

Contributed by VibroAxe, 31 May 2008


OMG Rawr

Bash.org for Eve Online, some good, some bad

Contributed by VibroAxe, 31 May 2008



Junior Administrator

Thought I'd add EveRefinery to the list.

You provide it a full API key and it will, based on the parameters you set, tel you whether or not it's worth refining all that mission lewt you have lying around or selling it.

Potentially useful to some of you :D


Well-Known Member

Thought I'd add EveRefinery to the list.

You provide it a full API key and it will, based on the parameters you set, tel you whether or not it's worth refining all that mission lewt you have lying around or selling it.

Potentially useful to some of you :D

ahhh, i've been looking for this for a while! couldn't remember the name of it though :rolleyes: