[EVE] New Eden Retail Federation


Junior Administrator
So, Request to Ronin, or another admin member.

Could you please lock the NERF section of forums, I don't know if putting them into a 'history' forum in EVE for HNW members to read later will work, to keep the threads there until I can see if anything is of use, a couple of things are still important there for the next month, but after that won't be.

NERF had a leadership issue, in the short of it, and has collapsed, strains of eve and other things caused it, but I won't put them down in a public forum :)

I asked thatbloke to remove the second virtual server, and put the main one back upto 512 members.

THN will be gaining members from this though, with all of Nisaba Syndicate members using the NISYN social group, rather than a specific set of forums, I hinted at people getting into the THN spirit and joining in with other areas of the forum, rather than just EVE :)

That I think is that, boiled down though!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
When you say "lock", do you mean "leave open for reading more no further posts"? Or do you mean "close and hide but please don't delete the posts yet"?

Remember that Social Groups can have Social Forums created for them, which aren't crap (nice change from the Social Group discussions thing, which is very crap). You need five members (IIRC) to make one, which is done by the person who made the group. Or an Admin. We can migrate discussions into the forum if needed, as a one-off.


Junior Administrator
The Nisaba social group has the social forums already sorted, first thing I did when creating it.

I was thinking both of the points about lock, but as it's already locked off unless people are in the groups, the former would suffice :)


Junior Administrator
speaking of the TS3 server... I haven't done that yet but I'll pick a quiet point tomorrow and sort it then.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
In that case, done. Forums all remain in place but should no longer accept new posts. There's a small possibility that Admins and Mods may be able to bypass that block, even inadvertantly, but I trust that they can clean up any mess they make.