[EVE] [EVE] Outstretched Hand of Diplomacy


New Member
As some of you may already know, I am not part of -HNW- within Eve and instead reside in the Gallach Mining Corp -Welco- (actually spelt Gallach Minig Corp, got to love typos), the founder of the New Eve Mining and manufacturing Organisation [NEMO] alliance.

We are not fully aware of -HNW-'s full detailed business arrangements, alliances or otherwise, however I am now outstretching the welcoming hand of the NEMO alliance in the hope to gain Haven NetWorks as a part of the Alliance if you would like it.

I have no controls over the Alliance or the Mining Corporation, however I am known for gaining support and other corporations into NEMO alliance, such as Captain Llama and his corporation.

If you would like this alliance, you only need to talk to Loki Gallach. If not, then at least some business arrangements could be made, such as shipments of manufactured ammunition, weapons and ships.

The arm has but only been stretched out, it is up to you wether it should be taken.


In Cryo Sleep
Hey AcidK,

We've been discussing this issue within the corporation and we have come to a decision not to join your alliance at this time.

It is not to say that we might not be interested in the future. We feel that HNW needs better direction before we are willing to commit to an alliance. I wish to make an informed decision that will benefit HNW and an alliance mutually.

That said, there is no reason why we cannot build better relations with your company and your companies alliance. Perhaps there could be some joint ventures that could be done in the near future?

pHatBambi (Kaneda)


New Member
As said, I was merely stretching out to inform you that the possibility of alliance is available should HNW require it at any point and I fully understand and support the decision made.

In terms of joint ventures, I am willing to make a few transportation contracts and/or sales contracts to move the majority of my anti-matter ammo to a different location in order to gain more sales away from Eletta, possibly even to Pator system. Doing it myself takes time and industrial ships are not excactly the fastest vessels, plus gaining revenue in Eletta for my mining barge has become a personal priority, as well as deep core strip mining turrets.

I will pay well for the transportation, say 50k ISK per 10k Anti-matter shell transported?


Junior Administrator
If ya want stuff moved, set up a couple of contracts and issue them to THN, then people can come move them if we want to