[EVE] [EVE] Science!


Staff member
So I've finished training level 5 science, and I've just started on Mechanic 5. Any thoughts on which direction I should be moving in? What sorts of things do we want researched?

Might as well choose a direction before I waste a week training something I might not end up using :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
What sort of options are looking to be available, science-wise? Hard to help choose a direction without any sort of ballpark... :)


Junior Administrator
You need mechanics 5 for Rigs :)


you're going to need to play the game a bit, because you need to use a corporation that you have 3.2 standing with that has an R&D level 3+ agent,

its not worth using level 1 or 2 agents apparently :)


Active Member
Took me a year to get science 5, going for exploration can be lucrative, but some of the hacking skills cost 100mil each and you need all 4 sometimes.


In Cryo Sleep
Research can be alot of different things

R&D agents require alot of standings and skills, and they only do one thing. They give you datacores when you do missions for them. Datacores is used for invention. But you can just buy them on the market.

Invention require helluva lot of skills. The only thing I can invent is tech 2 afterburners and microwarpdrives. When you invent you use a blueprint copy and some invetion materials, and then the chance on materiel level and runs is based on the number of runs on the copy, the decryptor you are using and the base item you use in the invetion. There's always a risk that the invention will fail, and you get nothing.

Copying, Matieral research and Production research is pretty easy, you just need a research slot on a station or a POS.