[EVE] [EVE] Trinity 1.2 Patch

Ronin Storm

Staff member
According to the EVE news service:

EVE News said:
Trinity 1.2 Patch Deployment, Tuesday, 15 April from 1100 to 1400 GMT
reported by: CCP Saint | 2008.04.10 18:32:16

Tranquility will undergo an extended downtime on Tuesday, 15 April. The start time is 1100 GMT and the length of the downtime is expected to be three hours. During this time, a patch will be applied to Trinity consisting of fixes and improvements.

Patch Notes are now available. Updates to the notes may be added over the weekend as more items are cleared through the Quality Assurance process. These updates will be highlighted with green text. Patch discussion may be found in this forum thread.

The patch notes read like a general set of fixes, very few of which are really going to impact us directly.


Junior Administrator
This has been in the news for a few days, but as a thought it's lasting quite a while so probably worth trying to stick a long train skill on in the morning