Event: Ragefire chasm!


Well-Known Member
That's right you World of Warcrafters!

I, Nanor, Am suggesting for all of us THN'ers to join up and and do our very first instance! I don't know when we could do this, but maybe we could do it on our get together tomorow. But suggestions would be very nice.

Please don't go over level 18 as the quest will become not as wholesome for you, so try to be minimum of 13 and maximum of 18.

Any dates you can suggest?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm thinking that tomorrow's a little short notice. I'm probably not going to be 13 by then. :)

That said, I'm also going to have trouble making events perhaps for the next couple of weeks...

Isn't Ragefire Chasm a single group instance?


Junior Administrator
I think RFC is not a raid instance... just for parties! but thats not to say that we can't have 2 parties in 2 instances should we do it...