[EVE] Everyone, run.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
So anyway, a while back, I joined Eve. Happy times, etc. Then I subsequently lost my internet, and by the time I'd gotten it back, all my game time had expired etc.

I'm thinking (because I'm cheap like this) to get a new account off of Steam instead?

If I did do this, I'd be hoping to join the alliance again (still a member on here. >.>").

This wouldn't cause any problems, right? Just a simple remove Drae, bring in his new guy, go through the motions, and slap him on the wrists for being cheap?

So yeah. Opinions/Answers? XDD

Obviously, this time round I'm going to hopefully be making enough to buy the in-game time cards, so I hopefully don't have to pay again after this.

Cheers guys,
Dr Drae


Junior Administrator
That is fine, may I suggest if you do go down this route that you get a buddy request off one of us. This allows you to have a 21 rather than 14 day trial and the buddy gets 30 free days as well. If you PM me an email address I'll chuck a buddy thing to you.
As far as joining corps go HNW is currently acting as a shell corp so not worth joining that. From there it depends what you plan on doing to where you should join with in the Alliance as we have corps suited to pretty much everything.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
I was planning on just buying the account, as opposed to getting the trial, as I understand it, you can only use the in-game time cards with a full account, and Steam is vendoring Eve for about 4 quid for the full account, unless I'm much mistaken.

As for the Corp/Alliance thing, I'll have to get back into the swing of the game before I can come up with an intelligent decision. XD As long as I've got something social going on with a couple of people I know, then I'm happy. ;)


Junior Administrator
M point is that whenever you start a new account which is what you are doing you get normally 14 days trial and if you have bought it as well you get 30 days added to that so you get 44days from account creation. If you use the buddy program you get an additional 7 days for nothing and one of us benefits as well.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Oh right, I didn't know that. I take it I just add your Steam account then, and you can chuck me a buddy request?

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Hm. I only just noticed that I posted this in the Events forum. Oops. My bad. I think it's the drink to be honest. Sorry. Could this get moved at some point? o_O >.>"

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Hmr. Just linked the purchase with my original account. Winsome? That saves any trouble, and makes this thread pointless. XD

But thanks anyway. :)