The spoken word is a lovely thing, now I'm wondering are there any famous/ish (as in not the really obvious ones) that you lot are especially fond of?
My current favourite, and it might have something to do with 5 hours a week on the American Civil War has got to be
From Brig. General Barnard E Bee, rallying his troops at the First Battle of Bull Run:
There stands Jackson like a stonewall, rally behind the Virginians!
I love this quote, it's just so
N.B Yes, Jackson was a leader of a Confederate division, so technically it's not really "woo America" but hey...
Jackson I think is a great guy to read up-on if you're ever bored, he just comes across as so hard / tard -core. I mean what other General replied to an Aid's question about oncoming Union troops by just going "well give them the bayonet".
Anyhoo, wondering if anyone has a preferred historical quote?
My current favourite, and it might have something to do with 5 hours a week on the American Civil War has got to be
From Brig. General Barnard E Bee, rallying his troops at the First Battle of Bull Run:
There stands Jackson like a stonewall, rally behind the Virginians!
I love this quote, it's just so
N.B Yes, Jackson was a leader of a Confederate division, so technically it's not really "woo America" but hey...
Jackson I think is a great guy to read up-on if you're ever bored, he just comes across as so hard / tard -core. I mean what other General replied to an Aid's question about oncoming Union troops by just going "well give them the bayonet".
Anyhoo, wondering if anyone has a preferred historical quote?