Famous Quote's



The spoken word is a lovely thing, now I'm wondering are there any famous/ish (as in not the really obvious ones) that you lot are especially fond of?

My current favourite, and it might have something to do with 5 hours a week on the American Civil War has got to be

From Brig. General Barnard E Bee, rallying his troops at the First Battle of Bull Run:

There stands Jackson like a stonewall, rally behind the Virginians!

I love this quote, it's just so


N.B Yes, Jackson was a leader of a Confederate division, so technically it's not really "woo America" but hey...

Jackson I think is a great guy to read up-on if you're ever bored, he just comes across as so hard / tard -core. I mean what other General replied to an Aid's question about oncoming Union troops by just going "well give them the bayonet".

Anyhoo, wondering if anyone has a preferred historical quote?


Well-Known Member
'I am become death. The destroyer of worlds' - Robert Oppenheimer.
'Ah the generals. THey are numerous, but not good for much' - Aristophanes

This applies to this forum I feel:
'Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.' - Plato


In Cryo Sleep
I've always liked: "Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room" in Dr. Strangelove.

It's not said by anyone in real life, but then neither was 'For England, Harry and St. George', that was Shakespearian license. ;)

Or another, this time an exchange between Winston Churchill and a woman who didn’t like him (Mary Astor?)

Astor: Sir, if you were my husband I would put poison in your tea.

Churchill: Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.


In Cryo Sleep
Gopha said:
"For England ,Harry and St George!" Henry V (greatest King of England)


"For England James!"

"No! For me Alec."



"Shut the door Alec there's a draught!"


Active Member
gringotsgoblin said:
I've always liked: "Gentlemen, you can?t fight in here! This is the War Room" in Dr. Strangelove.

It's not said by anyone in real life, but then neither was 'For England, Harry and St. George', that was Shakespearian license. ;)

Or another, this time an exchange between Winston Churchill and a woman who didn?t like him (Mary Astor?)

Astor: Sir, if you were my husband I would put poison in your tea.

Churchill: Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.

There's another good Churchill one which went (I think)

Woman: Sir, you are drunk.

Churchill: Yes Madam I am, but you are ugly, and in the morning I shall be sober, whereas you will still be ugly.



New Member
I like the lyrics to the second verse of 'Men of Harlech'

By each lofty mountain, By each crystal fountain,
By your homes where those you love Await your glad returning,
Let each thought and action prove, True glory can the Cymru move,
And as each blade gleams in the light, Pray "God defend the right!"

Always stirs something inside me.


Wraith said:
There's another good Churchill one which went (I think)

Woman: Sir, you are drunk.

Churchill: Yes Madam I am, but you are ugly, and in the morning I shall be sober, whereas you will still be ugly.


That reminds me of

Woman said:
If I was you're wife, I'd poison your tea!

Man said:
If you were my wife, madam, I'd drink that tea!

Others I love, both famous and non-famous:

  • For though I have lead a double life, at least I can say I have lived.
  • We don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing.
  • If I have seen further then others, it is only as I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
  • There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.
  • In a few minutes a computer can make a mistake so great that it would have taken many men many months to equal it.
  • Before you critise a man, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you do critise him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes!
  • I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me here.


Staff member
I don't think I have a favourite quote (it all depends on where and how you apply them), so I'll just give you some Swedish ones that you might have missed otherwise ;)

Olof Palme:

"This suggestion is not the first step. It's the step."

Dag Hammarskj?ld:

"It is in playing safe that we create a world of utmost insecurity."

"The longest journey of any person is the journey inward."

Oh, and this last one I

"Your cravings as a human animal do not become a prayer just because it is God whom you ask to attend to them."

Ingrid Bergman:

"Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get"

Oh, and this last one I like:

Christina of Sweden:

"Fools are more to be feared than the wicked."


In Cryo Sleep
elDiablo, is it just me or did the quote that you reminded also remind Wraith of the quote which made you remind what you reminded? i.e. Did that Churchill quote you put up not appear earlier in the thread?

Now, dont think of me a weasel, but its not my fault my fave is from a movie :/

From Aliens:

Ripley: "I'm not sure who's worse, them (xenomorphs) or us. You dont see them f*** each other over for a percentage."

or something to that effect.


In Cryo Sleep
elDiablo said:
That reminds me of


That's right. You steal my quote and its associated thunder! Why dont you just steal my whole life while you're at it!? :(

Which segues neatly into another quote I like. (Tarantino is the person who I heard it attributed to, but it could be older)

Good directors, homage. Great directors steal. :p


HUH! :D My apologies! Didn't even see that in your post.

But if you offer, then yes, I will take your life ;)


Active Member
elDiablo said:
HUH! :D My apologies! Didn't even see that in your post.

But if you offer, then yes, I will take your life ;)

I know what his life's like. Trust me, you don't want it :p



In Cryo Sleep
this has to be the best quote

"O beware my lord of jealousy. Its the green eyed monster with doth mock the meat it feeds apon"


Having a "universe" moment :)

  • Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together....
  • Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
  • In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
  • Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.


Edit - thinking about it, here's some other great quotes:

  • Stewie: I want pancakes! God, do you people understand every language except English? Yo quiero pancakes! Donnez moi pancakes! Click click bloody click pancakes!
  • Tom Tucker: In local news we have more on the approach of Hurricane RuPaul.. which is working his or her way up the coast, lets go live to Ollie Williams with the blacky weather report , Ollie?
    Ollie Williams: It's raining sideways!
    Tom Tucker: Sounds rough Ollie, you have an umbrella?
    Ollie Williams: Had one!
    Tom Tucker: Where is it?
    Ollie Williams: Inside out , 2 miles away !
    Tom Tucker: Is there anything we can do for you?
    Ollie Williams: Bring me some soup...
    Tom Tucker: What kind?
    Ollie Williams: CHUNKY!!!
  • Ollie Williams:WHO WANTS THIS DOG?!