Far Cry 2


Well-Known Member
I've just spotted a 20 minute gameplay video. It doesn't seem all that, but we could be surprised.

Will you guys be picking this game up?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
This is one that falls into my "technically interesting" set of games to look at. The things I enjoyed about Crysis were all in the jungle blowing up houses. Now I can set fire to things too. I love playing with worlds so, from that perspective, this game could offer me a good canvas to do that.


Junior Administrator
I like the fact you can just set fire to something and the fire won't just die down when its burnt that object, it spreads, very nice engine :)


Junior Administrator
IF thats in-game footage, I can't wait. That is the most photo realistic game ever :eek:


Junior Administrator
Crysis isn't finished.


However, FarCry2, isn't being produced by the people that did Crysis(EA......)

Far Cry2 is being done by Ubisoft, Just like the first one. And if I remember correctly, there was pretty much no publicity for Far Cry, and then it was released, and it was a major hit. Lets see if they can keep up their standards.


However, I do hope that they're making this like the original PC version or a sequel to it, and not like the console version, I mean mutant powers? right...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've just been sold this game. You have never seen a map editor this cool (link to: Eurogamer TV). To play with something like that, I don't care if the game's story is a bit lame (and I think it could be pretty good).


Junior Administrator
I have no story line issues. A story line is not that important to me tbh, I skip cut scenes and never read what is given me. I just hope the gameplay is good. If it is then I shall buy.

We shall see. I shall judge not until it is released.


Staff member
I have serious deja vu during that video. There's a game that has an editor that's very similar, but I just can't put my finger on it.


Junior Administrator
Don't you feel like you're missing out on a whole important part of the experience?

If the story is good and the cut scenes hold my attention then I watch them. My point was more that when the storyline is crap I tend to skip them but I can still enjoy the game if the gameplay is up to scratch. Here is where CoD did very well and crysis failed. CoD looked pretty good the story was excellent and the cut scenes were of an nice short snappy to the point approach. That with excellent gameplay it was a brilliant SP. Crysis looked awesome and for me that is where it ended. I found the storyline didn't hold me. Still haven't finished it. And the gameplay I found at first amusing but then it just didn't cut the mustard.

A good storyline is always nice but not essential where as if the gameplay gets boring I tend to lose interest. I'd like to find out what happens at the end of crysis but I lost interest very early on.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
A good storyline is always nice but not essential where as if the gameplay gets boring I tend to lose interest.

I find I'm the other way around. A game with slightly shaky gameplay but a decent story will keep me playing, as long as it doesn't want me to play for over long (15-20 hours maybe?). However, if the story is crap and the gameplay is short of excellent then I find I skip on to the next game fairly quickly.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Far Cry 2 now has a release date (link to: Eurogamer).

Eurogamer said:
Ubisoft has announced that Far Cry 2 will be released for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on 24th October.

There's also going to be some sort of collector edition but I rarely can see the point in spending more money for what is, ultimately, the same game. Maybe I'm just not much of a collector.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The Far Cry 2 team are releasing a series of short videos documenting the research they did in Kenya to make Far Cry 2 the game it will be. While it's blatant promotional material, on one hand, it's also quite interesting to watch.

The first episode is available from Eurogamer. I'll post the others up when they're released.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
There's been a bunch of Far Cry 2 news over the past couple of days. Here's some highlights:

  • There'll be four multiplayer modes, including deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the diamond (aka capture the flag), and uprising. The last type is a modified VIP escort mode.
  • There'll be no demo, unfortunately.
  • If you've got an idea of what you might want to build and some time to put it together, the map editor looks so cool!

(All links to Eurogamer.)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm definitely buying this just for the map editor. If I can do other stuff with it too then that'll be a bonus...! ;)


Junior Administrator
Imagine all of the things people can use the map editor for other than maps, primarily machinima comes to mind, but i'm sure there's other stuff :p

I'll definatly be giving the map making a go, Maybe we can do a combined effort on something, try and make an awesome map or something for the FC2 community?