

Well i have given this alot of thought and have decided to take Janco and Burrick out of the guild now which i will do when i get home from work... I do this with much regret but dont see another way , i want to thank all the people that have and i hope will continue to be my friends , i have had many good times and laughs here but its not going the way i want anymore and i feel myself fighting a losing battle. I dont want to come on and feel stressed anymore i just want to play the game and have some fun ... I hope you understand and dont blame me for making this hard decision.


Ah mate, this maks me a sad panda.

We seem to be losing alot of good people lately. Hope you stick around TS and junk.



New Member
This... makes me realy realy sad:(

I do allow you to leave but tell me you stick around on teamspeak!!


New Member
Aww, Mr. B

Now, I'm not gonna say you will come back, because then you won't, only to prove me wrong...


Well-Known Member
Aww, Mr. B

Now, I'm not gonna say you will come back, because then you won't, only to prove me wrong...

So if we tell him to piss off?....

In all seriousness though, it proper kills me to see you leave mate; I know it's been in the pipeline for a while now, but I was really hoping we could get things fixed before it went too far and this happened :(

Won't be the same without you, but as others have said, stick around on TS and the like, or I'll have to come to Brighton and hunt you down :p


New Member
When I read the title, I thought you were making a joke...
Reading this toppic made me really sad. I had alot of fun and I really liked your style of raidleading and explaining boss fights :)
I am srry, you want to leave because you don't like it here anymore :(
Anyway good luck, m8 :)


A big thanks to all of you good to know im liked a little bit lol ... I will be around on ts to abuse you all dont worry esp you hunng!


New Member
M8 your not liked a little bit, everyone loves the Burrick man and if they dont then i dont know what they are doing in the haven. You as a person are an exelent example of how the haven should be. Funny, nice and above all fun to chill around with.

You will be missed a lot, you where already in my friend list and they will stick there.


In Cryo Sleep
Shame to see you go mate, its been epic!! Keep in touch and don't be surprised if you still get some billy-no-mic whispers in the future.


We all love you mate and im realy sad that you are leaving.
Why dont you list all your alts below so we can put them in our friendlist and insult you whenever we want?
Realy waiting for the day when i can say "good to have you back mr B"
puss och kram!!!1!

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Enjoyed some good times with you Burrick, so this is definitely a sad time. I have to admit, though I haven't been around much, I could see it getting closer, it's just a shame that it was pushed to this point.

I hope that one day we'll have you back. Until then... Cheers. ^_^


In Cryo Sleep
A big thanks to all of you good to know im liked a little bit lol ... I will be around on ts to abuse you all dont worry esp you hunng!

Id prefer if you stayed in the guild and left ts that way im safe :P Love ya big man


New Member
Srry to see you go mister B:'(
Realy liked to raid with you and do alot of heroics:D
i realy hope you wil be arround alot:D
i dind belive this when i did read this and i dont wanne beleave this.

, Madrak


Ok just an update for you all ... Raz grabbed me in game this evening and convinced me to hang around for another 2 weeks before making my mind up wether or not i will be staying..... thank you very much for all your comments and we shall see how it goes