With nothing really worth watching on the telly this afternoon, I ended up sitting through an hour of VH1's top 100 worst videos.
But this got me thinking what is the best music video of all time?
One of my fav's is Jamiroqui - Virtual insanity. Its the one where he's dancing on what appears to be a moving floor. Yes I know its the walls that move, but its done just brilliantly.
Not long after, I was watching THE BOX, when Girls Aloud came on. Garbage song, but I couldnt stop watching for obvious reasons.
So the second question is: (And please dont post up obvious filth)
What is the sexiest music video of all time?
My No1 is probably Louise - Naked. A dam fine video.
Post up your ideas. You may have seen something I've yet to discover.
But this got me thinking what is the best music video of all time?
One of my fav's is Jamiroqui - Virtual insanity. Its the one where he's dancing on what appears to be a moving floor. Yes I know its the walls that move, but its done just brilliantly.
Not long after, I was watching THE BOX, when Girls Aloud came on. Garbage song, but I couldnt stop watching for obvious reasons.
So the second question is: (And please dont post up obvious filth)
What is the sexiest music video of all time?
My No1 is probably Louise - Naked. A dam fine video.
Post up your ideas. You may have seen something I've yet to discover.