[Feature Request]Drafting Long Posts


Junior Administrator
Just a thought,

More and more often people are starting threads with very long initial posts, reviews or thought son something, I'm planning a similar review on a few products to write this christmas for all your lovelly people, but had a thought, how easy would it be to implement a simple save draft feature on the forums, It would enable people to keep writing over several sessions, possibly with an auto save feature, without losing data.

I appreciate that notepad can do this, but it doesn't have the ability to preview bbcode and the like. I can't see that this should be more complicated than a SQL table and a few queries, then a few inline page mods and a new page in the control panel. What do people think?


Staff member
Most blogging software has soft save implemented in AJAX so I'm pretty sure this can be done. The question is whether anyone has ported or written code for VB or not.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
There are a few options in this area. If I get my work finished today I'll try to look at them before the end of the week. Otherwise it'll be next week sometime.