[Feature]Reviewers Module


Junior Administrator
There's a separate module one can throw into vBulletin to contain reviews and/or other articles. But I've not really looked at. I will, however, if I can get four/five people who say they're prepared to contribute say a review every couple of months each, which would come to around a review every fortnight.

Let me know if you'd be interested. I'd even look at getting you your own name colour and everything. :)

Thought I'd stop hijacking elDiablo's thread, and start a new one here.

So, just to say, yeah I'm interested in reviewing stuff about once a month, who else is interested?

Also, would it be as a seperate section akin to reviews.thehavennet.org.uk or as part of the normal forum matrix?


Junior Administrator
I'd be happy to contribute some reviews about stuff, the only thing I would say is it would be very much based on as and when I get stuff. But definitely happy to do :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I intermittently write reviews. I'd like to get a feel for maybe 5 of us (including me) who'd write maybe 4-6 reviews a year, each. Not a huge commitment or anything like it but enough to make it feel worthwhile me putting this sort of module into place.


Junior Administrator
I wasn't specifically thinking of games, but new hardware and gadgets as well, or technologies, which broadenes the horizon a bit, not sure what people think?


Junior Administrator
I was hoping for a broader spectrum that just games (though games are fine of course! :) ) but maybe including CD's, DVD's and books too, possibly? :) Again, not sure what people would think of that suggestion...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'll take reviews on anything that people care to review, within the fairly broad scope of THN. So, I'm not sure a review of a blender or a car is terribly relevant, but hardware, games, applications or even music and movies all seem fair game.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Alright, that seems to be a fair few who'd be interested in doing a good handful of reviews a year. I'll look into the options.


Junior Administrator
great, thanks ronin...

as a side thought this may or may not be relevant to my other thread about drafting posts

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Been doing some research on this and, surprisingly, the market is not filled with dozens of alternatives for vBulletin. In fact, I had to search around a fair bit just to find one.

As a starter for 10, I've found GARS, which does articles and reviews and is extensible. It's not free, though.

I've tried having a look for a separate system but Googling "php article review system" doesn't get me very far.


Junior Administrator
when you think about it, a reviewing system is just an article system, so why not look at linking something like wordpress into the vbullitin system?

had a brief look at GARS
looks like it might be usefull, but not sure if its worth paying for!


Junior Administrator
I'd like to bring this up again, as I was having a though on the way home, and have a couple of articles and reviews planned for the coming times...

For my personal blog I use wordpress as a writing engine... I don't use this functionality but I do know that it has (or a mod has) the ability to link into vBullitin for access controls and user management, with the added use of having each post being a post topic in the forum and comments etc being linked. Could be a nice way of linking the two...

If this is of interest, then shout and I will have a look at it, maybe see what kind of links it needs in the database..

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Rather than build a system that extends this forum I'd rather loose link two systems together using existing over-the-web mechanisms such as RSS or web services or whatever.

I've wondered about using Wordpress for articles and reviews and using vBulletin's built in RSS fetcher to grab full post updates. I just haven't had much chance to properly investigate it.