File transfer


Staff member
Right, me and ronin used this tonight, and I thought I should post up about it here as well.

The guy who hosts it will probably make it a paid service, so use it while it lasts.

Since it's in swedish I'll explain. It's a bit like all those filecabinet thingies on the web, only it works once only. and the limit is 2 gig. And there's no ads. So you upload one file, up to 2 gig in size, and enter the recipient's email addy. After the file's up it sends an email to the recipient, with a link to a page where he/she can download the file. If you want you can add a pin code, although I haven't tried that yet.

I tried it today with about 150 megs of pictures, and I got a speed of about 800 kB/s - that is, as fast as my connection allows, more or less.

If you need to send a file (that is a bit too big to be attached to an email) to a friend and want to bypass that whole pesky ftp business (or whatever solution you use) this is certainly a viable option.

if you can't decode the swedish just ask me and I'll translate.

Fuzzy Bunny

I saw something like this mentioned on BeyondUnreal for submitting maps for some contest. I'll see if I can find it again.

Edit: Found it.


Staff member
edit: Thanks! Seems about the same, only with ads? you know if there are any bw limits?

edit2: also, one gig limit instead of 2.


Awesome! Looks pretty damn useful, so cheers for the linkage.

Fuzzy Bunny

I'm not sure about the specifics of the system, but 1GB is more than I'd need. Kinda why I have yet to try it out...


In Cryo Sleep
Whoa. That is helpful. Can you use it to send like expansion packs? My friend wants to borrow special forces from me so, technically speaking, could i send this to him through this service?


Staff member
You can send anything, as long as it's one file and less than 2 gig.


In Cryo Sleep
decky101 said:
Whoa. That is helpful. Can you use it to send like expansion packs? My friend wants to borrow special forces from me so, technically speaking, could i send this to him through this service?

i dont thing its under 2 gig have a look though


In Cryo Sleep
I'm pretty sure it is. I had a look and it was rounded to 2 gig so I ain't so sure about the whole thing. I'll give it a go and if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter.

Fuzzy Bunny

Did you remember to put it in a .zip or .rar file?


New Member
DocBot said:
You can send anything, as long as it's one file and less than 2 gig.

I wonder if you could use this system to give people copies of the BF2 steal packs I.E. Euro Force and Armoured Fury?

Stop EA pocketing anything from us ;)