FF1(Jap) and FF2(Jap) NES - Glanced over on emulation - way too dated for me to get into. Will play if they re-make them.
FF2 (JapIV) SNES - Completed 8 times
FF3 (JapVI) SNES - Completed once, played near end another 3
FFV SNES Emulation - Played near end but it crashed maybe due to hacked uK translation (I have a legit one that came out later but cba starting again)
FFVII PSX - Completed twice. Pretty, but story a bit confusing imho. Overhyped and definitely not the best in the series. Also. Square hands.
FFVIII PSX - Awful westernised theme. Got to last bit but for some reason lost interest. Didn't like main character and female main cahracter seemed a wuss.
FFIX PSX - Back to the jap fantasy theme thankfully. Yay for the random monkey tail! Best CGI in PSX series by a mile. best story. Best gameplay. Ironically least well known in the series.. shame. Completed twice.
FFX PS2 - Tidus contends for worse main character ever. Ruined my immersion in the game, hated him so much. Couldn't bring myself to complete it but got pretty far. I mean come on.. an american teen twit isn't going to keep me interested in the story. Other characters were great though. Shame.
FFXI PC - An MMORPG. Tried it, seems decent enough but really needs a group to get the most out of. May re-visit one day since you can get it + expansions cheap. Also I remember some faffing to use PC controls, ended up using a ps2 joypad which worked better. I assume all that's sorted now though.
FFXII PS2 - OMG LETS MAKE OUR GAME LIKE THE BORING FREE ROAMING PC RPGs AND COMPLETELY THROW AWAY EVERYTHING THAT MAKES FF GREAT. Making a game too open-ended rather than story-driven is a complete insult to the FF series, and the FF fans. Nuff said. Also, combat was sh1t.
FFXIII PS3 - Heard a lot of weird things they've changed but will give benefit of doubt. Have CE preordered. Female lead is great news though, about time. And she's hot.