Final Fantasy 7, 9 X-2.


In Cryo Sleep
Right. As some of you know, im in my herculean challenge to finish all the final fantasy games and all their deriviatives from my childhood up to recently before the 28th August.

Now. I have most of them. Some of them, however, I dont and cant find for a decent price.

These are

Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Strategy Guide (I know what im doing , but the guide is an integral part of why I love these games)
Final Fantasy 9.
Final Fantasy X-2.

Is there anyone out there who has a cheap one of these that they would be willing to sell me, lend me, or trade with me?


In Cryo Sleep
I might have a copy of X-2 at home, if I can find that then you can have it. However, I wouldn't part with FF7 or 9 if my life depended on it :p


In Cryo Sleep
how reasonable is a reasonable price? and what condition would we be talking, you could probably find x-2 in any old game trader shop and i wouldnt think more than 50 for 7 & 9, the guides on the other hand, might be a real struggle to find.


In Cryo Sleep

Apologies for being slow btw. Ive been really busy. However:

Ive got seven, and a guide for it. About 25 all in all.

9 will cost me about 30. I already have the book.

X-2....Tets. Im not really willing to accept a handout :P
However I have a large library of fairly rare 360 games. Ill send you a PM, maybe we can exact a trade.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Ting, I may have 9 lying around somewhere; if I can find all the discs. If so, you can have it; I don't play it.

FF7 = Win game ofc. It can be brought for about 8 quid on PSN if you have a PS3 by the way.

And I understand the effort... but are you SURE you want to play X-2? I mean, REALLY think about it.

Having said that, I may have a copy of X-2 lying around also. xDD


In Cryo Sleep
Right. Update as it stands. I need 9 and 10-2. I can get 9 cheap. Ill post my list of games and see if anyone fancies a trade


Well-Known Member
If you can get hold of 9 for any kind of reasonable price, grab it fast. It's hard to get hold of that game for anything other than silly amounts of money, and the number of available copies is diminishing all the time...

X-2 shouldn't be too horribly difficult to get hold of, and... well, to be totally honest, I wouldn't lose sleep over not having played that one. It was entertaining(ish), but you could live without having played it as one of the FF series.

If you're going for playing everything including X-2, then I'd recommend trying to get hold of a copy of FFVII : Dirge of Cerberus as well. It's different from normal FF games, but it's really quite fun... especially if you plug a USB mouse and keyboard in to avoid the dodgy PS2 controller setup for it...


In Cryo Sleep
9 is worth any price. Any! If our copy of FF9, say, spontaneously combusted, I'd easily pay £100+ to replace it. It is a masterpiece.