Final Fantasy VII - The Greatest Game of All Time?


In Cryo Sleep
I was busy browsing the ol' G-Spot at lunchtime when I came across this interesting article. It's quite short, which is unfortunate because I love big reads, but it's to-the-point as well. Personally I havent played much of Final Fantasy VII, being more of a VI, VIII, IX, X, XII addict myself :) but Ive heard countless times 'FF VII is the best one!' and yet I still havent played it, so this article has succesfully prodded me into getting a copy off ebay asap.

Up til now, Final Fantasy IX has been my favourite game in the series (and of all time, incidentally), so it'll be interesting to see how VII holds up. It'll also demonstrate whether older games can be enjoyed for what they are, or whether the only reason I like older games is nostalgia.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
There was a discussion on WOW the other night about FF games. I def feel that VII was great.

Someone said they prefered VIII, but I can never see the point of a Gunblade :D.


Staff member
omgzor, you HAVE to play VII. It kept me busy for a looooong time. I actually sold the psone before I finished it ("finished"="found every single thing there is to find"). Great game. Really.


Loved FFVII but FFVIII was better ;) (I like sappy love stories :P)

Btw if your into old skool RPG try Chrono trigger it's one of the best if not the best RPG I've ever played. It's a SNES game so you'll have to be able to look past the pixels and stuff.


In Cryo Sleep
I played chrono trigger on an emu a while back, I kept starting the game about fifty times and then gave up, and then started again, and then ... you get it.

I cant wait to get into FFVII now, It'll be a nice little venture to get me in the mood for FXII when it's released. You know, there was a poll in Japan to find out the greatest game ever, and they voted Final Fantasy X. I didnt really see the big deal with 10, I mean it was good and all but voices...? Tidus? Although it did have Yojimbo going for it ... Zanmato!


In Cryo Sleep
X had a incredibly lame story line, and that gezzer in X-2 was a joke... What was his name, something mundane like Sebastian :). He also had silly hair even for Final Fantasy + he was only two colours (red & lilac), this is the trillion colour era damn it!

I'd agree that FFVII is the best Final Fantasy game and the only one that I tried to do everything on, but to go back and play it through would be though. Sprites don't look too dated, but old 3D is tragic :(.

Do any of you read 8-bit Theatre? It's based in an old Final Fanatsy esk universe. I spent a few hours each day last week reading them all, and many are absolute genius! Here is an example.


Yeah, I had many game playing hours with FFVII, it was defintely a classic at the time. I remember the eagerness as it was converted from the PS1 to PC some 5/6 years ago - I think?

The thing that annoyed me a little was when you were travelling through open land you would have to engage in about 50 000 fights (yea I exaggerated!) which became a bit cumbersome and boring. That lightning sound and the vortex on the screen warning you to prepare for the fight just drove me to putting the game down for good eventually.

Fuzzy Bunny

I didn't care much for FFVII. However, I would've loved to play this game.