Firefox portable


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Anyone use this? I tried to install it to a pendrive and when i run the app it comes up with

"The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"

Any Ideas?


Junior Administrator
Have you tried re-downloading it, in case your download was somehow corrupt, or there were missing files?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
hmm ejected the pen drive and then plugged back in and the install is now corrupted :D.


Junior Administrator
Yea I reckon it didn't install correctly or something :D

having had a quick look through the portable apps forums, that seems the most likely explanation


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Yeah did that reformatted the pen and tried to download it again.... ended up the app was corrupt again... I think the pen is buggered basically. Will try and get a replacement.


Junior Administrator
Likewise, I've used it with no problems at all, running of a net drive and a portable stick