First Char through nightfall!


In Cryo Sleep
Woohoo, just got my first charactor (Paragon/Mesmer) through Nightfall! xD
The whole storyline is pretty dam cool, but by far the best bit of the game is the elite challenge mission at the end of it all! It's very hard to complete but the rewards are incredibly high. I haven't managed to complete it yet, but apparently it takes a full 10-11 hours to complete it with only pee breaks, crazy or what?

On another note I've left the guild to join another, Captain Crumb has been promoted to guild leader again :)


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, so I noticed :) I was on a bit recently with my brother, trying to plod our way through the campaign with an SS necro and 50hp monk, but we stopped because "its fine for you with your new PC but this old piece of shit is spoiling my enjoyment for me" he claims of the old PC :)