First raid: UBRS!


Well-Known Member
It's been a long time, but we have a lot of people ready at 60 now, and it's time we got something going!

The plan is to start with a UBRS run to see how we go. We'll try it with the full 10 people first and see how we go; in all probability, we'll destroy the place, but it'll give us a good idea of how strong we are. If we DO destroy it, we can start trying runs with fewer and fewer people to keep it a good challenge, and have more chance of getting runs going when we can't get a full ten around.

Who'd be interested in taking part in this first run? State your character's name, class, and preferred spec, and we'll see how it looks before I put up a raid event.

Level 60s only, please!


Junior Administrator
It's do-able with 5 people in non-end level gear, Mostly just blues from the eastern plague lands etc.

Unless they've re-done them? You're going for overkill :p


Well-Known Member
It's do-able with 5 people in non-end level gear, Mostly just blues from the eastern plague lands etc.

Unless they've re-done them? You're going for overkill :p

I know, I 5-manned it a fair bit back in the day; baby-steps first, though, and might as well get as many people in on the first one as possible to see how people are with classes and if there's any glaring issues with playing a talent tree made with 80s in mind at level 60.

That and it reduces chance of things go balls-over-tits


Well-Known Member
Two healers and a tank amongst the people in this thread so far: we'll need a second tank to be "safe", and preferably a third healer. I know it'd be overkill, but it'll be a good test of how ready people are, and good practice for them.

Poke people in-game to spread the word about this, and if they ask when it is, say it'll likely be either this Sunday or Wednesday next week. Let's try and get as many people in on this as possible!


Well-Known Member
Event for a possible Sunday raid is now up; go sign up if you're available, and spread the word! If you have trouble with the listed start time, then say here or in the signups and we can discuss a suitable other time to start; I chose earlier in the day since some people will have work on Monday and thus won't be wanting to raid late, plus an early start leaves later in the evening open for raid activities on your level 80 characters should you so desire.


Yayyyyyy! Been waiting :p Crafor Paladin Retrabution prefered Holy is ok :p


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Er, dude, we've done UBRS for the third consecutive Sunday, now...

Gotta pay attention to the posted events! :)
