[FIXED] Unusual PM pop-up anomaly


Active Member
Unfortunately I didn't get a screenshot of this as I thought my PC was just having a bad day, but I thought it was worth a mention.

When I accessed the forums today, the pop-up window that notifies you of new PM's somehow became merged into the main page. I am using the amber2 theme and the donations,what's going on,active users and total members visited etc boxes all had shifted from the right hand side all the way to the bottom of the page. There was a strange looking horizontal bar that followed my scrolling up and down the page, and the PM notification resided at the very bottom of the forum index.

Has anyone else stumbled across this? If anyone can send me a test PM then I can hopefully get a screeny of this. Sending a PM to myself didn't work.
I'm running firefox by the way.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Unusual PM pop-up anomaly

Actually, that's the second report of this sort of problem we've had. It doesn't seem to happen every time as I remember testing it out last time and not being able to replicate the issue.

vBulletin seems to do some magic when it can't load certain objects... noticed that you get text versions of buttons when the button hasn't loaded? I'm suspecting that the pop-up issue is related to that, but interacting in a wild way with the Amber2 template. To date, I've not had any indication that this happens in Blue2 variants.

The most useful thing you could possibly do for a page that fails to render properly in this fashion is to grab me the HTML for that page as it was at that point -- a screenie is great in describing the problem but not in diagnosing it (in this case).


Well-Known Member
Re: Unusual PM pop-up anomaly

I had something like this once when I was on Blue2, but I didn't think of it as much. My PM box appeared in the shoutbox o_O.


Active Member
Re: Unusual PM pop-up anomaly

An HTML grab is what I'll do next time I come across something like this. Although I must report that I've not yet seen a text version of a button as you describe.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Unusual PM pop-up anomaly

This should now be fixed. Thanks to Haven for the HTML grab that gave me the clues to find the issue.

Amber2 should once again allow the HTML-based PM popups without totally knackering the layout of the page.