[Flash] Motherload



So, X Gen Studios make pretty good flash games, such as Defend Your Castle, Fancy Pants Adventure 2 and Pillage The Village.

However, Motherload is my new favourite flash game. It's very simple, you are a digger on Mars in your digging machine. You have to buy fuel to run, which you pay for by mining minerals from the ground. There are different minerals worth different amounts. You start with a small fuel tank, small cargo hold, thin hull, small engine, and small drill. You can spend more money on upgrading these so you can dig more, for longer, at greater depths. And obviously you get better minerals the further down you dig.

I won't ruin it all for you, but there is a semi storyline which is pretty fun.

And you can save! On a server! For free! So that you can play at home, and then at work! Not that I do... Of course... Though the save doesn't save your digging progress, and you must start digging from ground level again. Which is a bit annoying...

It reminds me of that old digging game where you could only go down, and you had to get as far as possible before your air ran out. Fun times! Enjoy.