For people who know computers etc.


New Member
Alrighty so I know a few people here are really good with computers and laptops so I wanna post a question I have so here goes:

I use a notebook laptop and i have a VGA cable to connect to my monitor which I have done successfully however,

The "size" of the picture on the monitor is the same as the notebook which is 11" when my monitor is a 16".

Is there anyway to make the picture on the monitor any bigger.

For those who dont understand me I'll try explain:.
It shows the same size as my notebook but only 11" so the rest of the screen is black .

Any help is much appreciated thanks :)

EDIT!: I use windows XP if that helps


Junior Administrator
Look up how to change the desktop resolution on whatever operating system you are using and try that :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

[mod]Moved to the Chat Box for more general responses.[/mod]



In Cryo Sleep
Right Click on the Desktop, Go to Properties. Click on the Settings tab in that window then there should be a representation of your two screens. Select your other monitor from the dropdown menu and adjust the Resolution slider til its ok.