For Those of You With Exams...


Super Moderator
Staff member
*awaits the result of his exam he sat before Christmas*
Good luck to all of you who have them now


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Awww.... I remember exams... That was... a different millenium. :)

In any case, jolly good show to you all, break lots of legs! :D



Staff member
Yay! I passed my dermatology/venereology exam too :) So now there's only, er, 4 more to go + the paper I'm writing, spread over the next 5 months. And then I'm done! (ish)


Active Member
Hm, still got all four in front of me this semestre. Biochemistry, Biophysics, First Aid and Nursing. And the dissections for Anatomy and the exam after them that doesn't count.

Oh well :)

Good luck everyone!


Junior Administrator
This is provided you don't slack off and get it done in a fairly decent time frame Vib's :p


In Cryo Sleep
I don't have to take exams any more, but I do have to mark them :(

Good luck to those that are sitting them though!


Truss analysis, as in how much weight can Truss Rig A hold? Wol was doing something like that sort of recently.... :p

Similar, I had to design a Statically Determinant truss that would be able to support a plug blah blah blah, anyway In order for the compressive members not to buckle i ended up having to create a 16x16 matrix to get my required values :mad:. Atleast there will not be anything that hard in the upcoming exams... I hope :p.

What's Wol doing at uni?


Junior Administrator
I can't remember what it is he's doing, I'm sure he'll appear and let everyone know at some point, though he was trying to see how many mac 2000, or mac 250's he could fit on a T bar? (it was a while ago I just seem to have that in my head for some reason) Before it started to buckle.


In Cryo Sleep
It was 4 mac 500s and 12 pars, along with the relevant soca, on two frotto stands at either end of a 32 ft stretch of truss.

In the end. having a .... er.. *thinks* 9m length (3 x 3m), and supported about 1m out from each join was pretty sturdy, and hung miniscans instead of macs off it. However, a guy hung off it in the middle didnt make it bend, which was a satisfactory test for me :D

And it was last march, so quite a while ago. Got the whole thing again in a few months :cool:

right. off to get fish and chips!

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep
Some of the lucky bastards at our uni are only doing Classical Mechanics this semester, and the Mech professor is of the extremely kind and friendly sort. Me, I'm also doing Linear Algebra and Mathematical Analysis. Which wouldn't be all that bad if I didn't have to learn all the definitions, theorems and proofs as well.

I've got mixed feelings about it. On the plus side, I love math and I'm really good at it, but I despise the rigorousness and formalisms required to pass the exams. I understand the need for it when you're doing pure math, but seeing as most of us will be moving onto applied mathematics, I think some leeway ought to be given.