[DF] Fortress 2.0 Year One


Staff member

Not a whole lot happening, so just some notes for the next leader:

The wildlife is probably going to be the biggest annoyance. Raccoons are enough to send dwarves running for cover, strangely enough, but the dogs can deal with them easily.

There are UNICORNS about. I built a bunch of cages, but they left before I could trap any. Suggest keeping an eye out and building some cage traps near them if they come back.

I started building bedrooms below the dining room and broke into a cavern... It's sealed off and I designated the bedrooms beside the dining room instead. I dug out most of the bituminous in there, so some walls will need to be built to form some of the rooms properly

The military is set up with three axedwarves. They should be training constantly. If you add anyone else to the military, remember to forge them some armor...

Speaking of which, the metal industry is off to a good start. We've got tons of ore and fuel, and smelting jobs are set.

Priorities are getting some outdoor farming set up, getting some outdoor walls and defenses set up, and catching some goddamn unicorns.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks D! I'll grab the save and get some maps up but it's certainly someone else's turn. I think it's Traxata up next...?


Active Member
Sounds pretty good! Could you take some pictures for us to see perhaps?

Who's next on the list of leaders by the way?

EDIT: Damn it, ninja'ed by Ronin!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The world of Havonia. 1064, two years following the destruction of Ekastbom Kib. They delved too deeply and were punished for their greediness and lack of a sound military.

Enter Cobrabolted after its first year of occupation. Population 15. Prognosis? Not dead yet...


Well-Known Member
Those caverns are absolutely enormous! Who knows what horrors are lurking down there! I fully endorse building a tunnel under the river and linking it to the caverns and flooding them! See how well those cave dwellers can swim...

Also like how you've placed the armour stands out front to get the military training and holding the front doorstep. Its always a problem to get them to be in the right place to repel the attack and i hadnt thought of that way before.


Staff member
Those caverns are absolutely enormous! Who knows what horrors are lurking down there! I fully endorse building a tunnel under the river and linking it to the caverns and flooding them! See how well those cave dwellers can swim...

Also like how you've placed the armour stands out front to get the military training and holding the front doorstep. Its always a problem to get them to be in the right place to repel the attack and i hadnt thought of that way before.
The caverns didn't contain nasties of any kind when I checked, but that can always change. They're also a useful resource, so flooding them maybe isn't a terribly good plan. Besides, much of the stuff that lives in the caverns CAN swim :p

And yes, the military is instructed to train out front by the armor stand, and sleep in the beds just inside.


Junior Administrator
Upon opening up the map and having a look around (looked at flooding but it will take an AGE :p) There are some Cave Crocodiles, but that's about it. I'll make a proper entrance into the caverns I think, seperate from our fort (I'll let someone else decide about linking it up to ours ...;))

There is a ton of silver, and if you go down far enough (about 6-7 floors) in that cavern there are Star Sapphires, Diamonds and Rubys.

Though the save I was playing with last night didn't get saved afterwards, we ended up with 47 migrants between spring and summer ... an Elven Caravan and a Human Caravan turn up as well, so I think some of the huge pile of toys that we have can be sold off.


Junior Administrator
Right, after playing with the fort and then losing the save (of filling the cavern with water .. it goes DEEP) I've got to start again :p

confirming what D said and there doesn't appear to be anything horrible lurking in there, I saw at most two Cave Crocodiles.