[DF] Fortress Year Four, revisited


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

1st Granite, 1058

Just got in. On my way here, I walked into a tavern and sat beside a dwarf carving something on some bone. He attempted to hide the bone while we were talking, and I ignored him. I was mulling over my plans for the expedition when all of a sudden, the lunatic started staring at me intently. He also muttered something under his breath about writing in blood, but there was no blood around. I think he meant to murder me, but then he said something about a discontinuity in reality, and went back to carving his dog skull. Whatever...

Anyway, the place is in quite a chaotic state. There's workshops all over the place, but they're so littered with crap, I can't tell which is which. Then again, that's to be expected, given all the FUN these dwarves have been having in my absence. I guess as my predecessor said, first things first, let's get some order into the place.

Our stockpiles seem neatly organized and sensibly placed, so I shouldn't need to worry about them, which is good. We also seem to have ample supply of food and drink.

I think I'll replace the broker. We have an expert negotiator on our hands, and even though he's a decent craftsman, he can afford to take a few days out of the year and trade or something.

Zon Kilrudas is in a fey mood. I shall order the construction of a clothier's workshop, see if I can snap him out of it!

We have a forlorn haunt milling about the place. I wish I could bury his remains, but I have no idea where they are! I'll keep a lookout for them. In the meantime, I should think about carving his name somewhere...

Other than that, things are as orderly as can be expected. I've ordered the lugging of stone to resume. Hopefully, that'll clear most of the clutter...

4th Granite, 1058

It worked! The clothier's workshop is completed and Zon Kilrudas has taken it over. He immediately set about procuring assorted materials, so I am hoping he has everything he needs... somewhere.

8th Granite, 1058

Zon Kilrudas has begun a mysterious construction. Hopefully, it'll sell well when the traders return.

Time to let the dwarves be themselves. Get to work, me hearties!

12th Granite, 1058

Zon Kilrudas, Clothier, has created Borushgudid Alod Nikot, a cave spider silk head veil! It is encircled with bands of groundhog leather. On the item is an image of a blood gnat. This should fetch a pretty penny with the traders!

It's been early spring for quite some time, now, and still no thawing...

In the meantime, Udib Bernebel has been complaining about the draft... Let's hope he doesn't up and decide to do something stupid!

22nd Granite, 1058

I've been staring at the catapult for quite some time, now... I haven't even seen it fire. I wonder how the thing works at all... Oh, well, there's two siege engine operators, one of them is bound to figure it out, sooner or later...

25th Granite, 1058

The lasher decided to pursue and kill a wandering dog, then returned happily to his previous spot as the catapult target. And still the damn thing won't fire...

25th Slate, 1058

Eighteen new migrants have arrived! Not a single architect in the bunch...!

It occurs to me that I never did take stock of the number of bedrooms, beds, doors and cabinets on hand. This may take a while...

10th Felsite, 1058

I've constructed a memorial to Imush Essodel. May his soul rest in peace (and may his ghost stop haunting my stone stock...)

12th Felsite, 1058

The elven caravan from Decafidale returns! I can't wait to see what I can get for that head veil...

For reasons unknown, my mind suddenly wandered to that mad sculptor I met on the way here... I wonder how he would have fared if it were him instead of me running this show...

16th Felsite, 1058

Sibrek Uristvush, Animal Dissector, has been struck down. Damn goblin lasher... And the catapult still won't fire...

17th Felsite, 1058

It was Dumed Ekastetor, Wood cutter's turn to be struck down, along with two more dogs. I shall need a more effective means of dealing with the lasher, unless I want to keep losing one dwarf per day...

18th Felsite, 1058

The trend continues. Ingiz Melbilkathir, Stonecutter, is dead.

19th Felsite, 1058

Five war dogs took it upon themselves to attack the lasher... and were killed in the process. The lasher's right foot is bruised. Well, I guess that didn't work.

22nd Felsite, 1058

Another dwarf is killed. I grow tired of noting their names down.

24th Felsite, 1058

The lasher followed a puppy around for two days before finally catching up with it and killing it. It was the gentlest creature and had done nothing to the goblin. Such evil must be dealt with quickly and decisively. I shall send my military to deal with the obnoxious beast at once!

As soon as I can figure out how to do it...

In the meantime, there's trade to consider...

28th Felsite, 1058

Several more dwarves were killed by the lasher. Our squad is giving chase.

7th Hematite, 1058

Our squad failed to report back. THe lasher is still about. Its bruised foot appears to have died on its own. The situation is now considered desperate.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Y'know, this lasher business has proven to be an almost complete disaster. I'm starting to think Nanor's mad plan to collapse the ground underneath it was actually the way to go. Maybe with an added hint of pumped lava.

On a related note, I won't have any time to play a turn this week so I'm inclined to let Zooggy finish, unless Zooggy thinks he won't get chance to finish before Sunday, in which case I'd be inclined to let Xarlaxas pick up, quite possibly for a year and a bit, from Zooggy's current save or D's last save for a year, his choice.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

I have a business meeting an hour from now, but it shouldn't take too long. I'll write up the rest of the stuff, and likely finish up the year, after the meeting and before dinner.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
@Zooggy: if you can get DF back to us today, even just the save, then hopefully Xarlaxas can pick up year 6. I'm good for year 7.


Junior Administrator
I've gotten to grips with things, I could do a 'filler' year, I'm not having that much luck at advancing my games very far, though I've worked out how to trade, build etc and sort out rooms and such. Fall down on farming (and running out of food :-O).

But yeah, I can give a year a go at some point :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Trax, you'd be most welcome to take a year. I'd still go with Xar next, but perhaps you'd like the one after?


Active Member
Oh, if Trax wants to take this week's Year I'd be happy for him to do so, I've got an essay due on the 11th then 21st so I'm likely to be quite busy this week trying to get them done early!


Junior Administrator
No no, I didn't mean right away :D I want to try and work out how to do a few more things in the game yet :p Maybe week 8 or 9? :) We'll probably have a decent fortress running by then which will mean I can be inventive ....


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Gah, sorry, I was supposed to post my stuff yesterday, but life got in the way... Here it is. I hope it's still on time...

7th Hematite, 1058

Our squad failed to report back. THe lasher is still about. Its bruised foot appears to have healed on its own. The situation is now considered desperate.

14th Hematite, 1058

The merchants from Decafidale have embarked on their journey. Borushgudid Alod Nikot never even left its spot on the floor of the stockpile. It seemed blatantly absent from all of the lists and I was never even able to order it to be traded! Woe and bad omens...

6th Malachite, 1058

Chaos seems to have come to stay. I seem to have lost the ability to tell my dwarves to clear out the trade depot. The lasher's body count is now in its twenties, and that's dwarves alone. There are migrants arriving, but they bring only despair...

12th Malachite, 1058

Interesting. Zon Kilrudas, Clothier cancels Fire Catapult: Interrupted by Goblin Lasher. I don't think I ever saw him fire it once!

25th Malachite, 1058

For all that is holy and undergroundly rocky, I can't get the new broker to go to the depot! And I still can't order the dwarves to clear it out...!

19th Galena, 1058

A human caravan has arrived. Maybe I'll be able to regain control over my goods at the trade depot. Somehow, I have a feeling that that's just too much to hope for. Might as well dream of having the caravan escort run into the goblin and kill it. As if...

20th Galena, 1058

Apparently, the lasher has become a Goblin Master Lasher. How ironic...

22nd Galena, 1058

Well, I was partly wrong. I have regained access to the goods in the depot. Now, if I could only get the broker to actually go there...!

1st Limestone, 1058

I've switched brokers. Maybe the new one will be more voluntarious... I'm not holding my breath... In the meantime, we're down to 18 dwarves, from a peak number of 48, plus two migrant waves. That puts the lasher's body count at around fourty, by my estimates...

11th Limestone, 1058

Urdim Sanrebdodok has created a masterpiece! How pointless!

13th Limestone, 1058

Eureka! The new broker finally reported to trade... nothing. The cargo brought by the human caravan is utterly pointless...!

24th Limestone, 1058

The merchants from Usmenbehal are leaving. Good riddance!

9th Sandstone, 1058

Another ten migrants have arrived. I have nothing for them to do except try once more and lcear the trade depot, if at all possible...

15th Sandstone, 1058

Urdim Sanrebdodok continues creating masterpieces of some sort... Also, I haven't heard from the lasher in quite a while... what may have happened?

16th Sandstaone, 1058

The lasher is gone! I don't know how and I don't know when, but it has simply ceased to be there! Peace has come at last...

I've designated whole new stockpiles to try and make sense of the mess, and I think I'll order the overtime production of bins. We need to sort ourselves out!

15th Timber, 1058

A caravan from Edem Boshut has arrived. Maybe we'll finally be able to sell Borushgudid Alod Nikot and purchase some armor...

Oh, great! Another goblin ambush! This ough to be interesting.

17th Timber, 1058

Could it be? The ambushers are keeping to their quiet little corner. Might be they'll go away by themselves...

In the meantime, Sodel Alathrosat, woodworker, is taken by a fey mood! Maybe he'll be able to manufacture some other legendary item that I won't be able to sell either...!

19th Timber, 1058

We seem to be under attack by a flock of... buzzards...? Will anything else happen yet?!

22nd Timber, 1058

The ambushers have begun making their way up north. I guess it was too much to hope for...

26th Timber, 1058

Oh incredible luck! The caravan escorts took it upon themselves to pick up arms and meet up with the goblins... and are winning!! Of the original seven invaders, only two are left and are fleeing for their lives. In the meantime, the escrots are now pusrsuing the vultures!

28th Timber, 1058

Huzzah! The ambush has been defeated thoroughly! Our luck chagnes!

Now, if only I can trade...

17th Moonstone, 1058

No such luck. The merchants embarked on their journey. The frigging broker spent the whole time eating, drinking and sleeping... Oh, well, I guess I can't have everything.

23rd Moonstone, 1058

The outpost liaison wants to meet. Maybe I can ask for useful stuff for next year... if we make it that far...

24th Moonstone, 1058

I've drafted a document with requests for the outpost caravan. Basically, everything that would even resemble armor. Let's see what they bring us.

28th Moonstone, 1058

The outpost liaison has accepted my document. He's bound to overinflate the prices on what I have requested, but at least, he'll bring the goods. And who knows, maybe by this time next year, we'll be organized enough that I'll finally be able to sell Borushgudid Alod Nikot...

3rd Opal, 1058

Oh, no! Sodel Alathrosat is stricken by melancholy! I forgot all about him. He was a damn brewer, what could he possibly need that he didn't have...! I guess it could be worse, he could have decided to go berserk instead!

7th Opal, 1058

The outpost liaison has presented me with his own version of the trade agreement. I've ignored it completely. My successor can sell whatever he manages to sell, if anything.

10th Opal, 1058

A goblin snatcher! Let's see if the escorts can handle him as well!

12th Opal, 1058

The snatcher ran across the map without even making a turn towards the fortress. I guess that's a good thing. On the downside, that's one less opportunity for the escorts to see some action... Not that I would care, but maybe, just maybe, one of them might have gotten injured... Free armor, anyone?

20th Opal, 1058

The outpost caravan finally managed to clear the trade depot... which is left littered with all the cargo I put in there and can't get out...

23rd Opal, 1058

Finally, the dwarves have begun to clear out the depot! Maybe order is not that far off!

27th Opal, 1058

The snatcher is back! And the caravan is long gone! Oh, no, whatever shall he take...

1st Obsidian, 1058

It seems the snatcher was chased away by a tame dog. Either that or he managed to take something without my noticing it...

15th Obsidian, 1058

The year is drawing to a close. I am left with the distinct impression of not really having done anything... Oh, well, that's a problem for my successor.

28th Obsidian, 1058

Sodel Alathrosat has died of thirst from his own unwillingness to drink.

I'll post up the save as soon as I zip it up...



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Here it is: DF save.

Sorry again for all the delays. :( I have the free time to do stuff, but I've been having a hard time coming up with game playing sessions...

Here's hoping you can continue successfully, and if the game ever does come around to me again, I'd like to take a shot at a more fruitful turn... :)



Active Member
Well, at least it sounds like the goblins are gone!

I'll download the turn and take a stab at it this week, will probably do it all on Friday presuming I've finished writing about 4chan by then!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks Zooggy. Sounds like it's all still pretty dire for our fortress, though with the Lasher apparently out of the picture we can hopefully begin to rebuild.

Xar: looking forward to your turn!

Trax: at this moment it could actually be really good if I could take the turn after Xar and then you take the one after me. That work for you?