[DF] Fortress Year Three


Staff member
1st Granite, 1057
Looks like I've been elected to lead this sorry excuse for a fort. Does a group of four dwarves really need a leader? I've had a look around, and there is no drink at all to be found. So yes, apparantly, a group of four needs someone to tell them not to die of thirst.

First things first. I've told everyone to stop digging and assigned some tasks to get the booze flowing again. We don't need to be mining and detailing floors when we're running out of essential supplies. We also need to get working on some items to export, both so we can trade for things we need and to draw some migrants here.

The food situation looks equally dire. Luckily getting the booze industry going will partially rememdy this as well. Once things stablize a little we'll need a farm plot outside so we can replant any plants we gather.

I've also forbade some of the items around the goblin lasher so hopefully everyone steers clear until we can get a proper military going.

22nd Granite, 1057
Removed all stone types from the stone stockpile. Hauling rock around is just a waste of time at this point.

1st Slate, 1057
Things are moving slowly, but we have plants being gathered, drinks being produced, and soon we'll have a farm plot above ground to plant the resulting seeds. Wish the wall being built around the farm plot was moving along a little more quickly, but hopefully it's finished before we need it.

11th Slate, 1057
Migrants at last! Seventeen of them to be exact. Annnd they try to walk right past that goblin lasher. We lose four dwafs in the resulting chaos, but the lasher has returned to his original location so we seem to be safe for now.

24th Slate, 1057
We've got a four member military set up and training. I'll let them do their own thing for now and work on micromanaging equipment and such a little later.

14th Felsite, 1057
An Elven caravan from Decafidale has arrived. Time to get us some food and drink and offload some of these trinkets.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hurrah for the migrants! Even with losses, that might put us back to almost end of year 1 numbers. How are their skills?


Staff member
Nothing too special. Couple of stonecrafters and a competent brewer. Also have some adept metalworkers, though I'm not sure I'll get to that point during my year.

Currently most everyone is gathering items and placing them in their stockpiles. It's not ideal, but it's better than having to forbid every item outside, and honestly we're better off securing them now rather than needing them later during a siege or something.


Active Member
Thank goodness for all those migrants! Yeah, the number of migrants I got reduced my numbers because of the slaughter they caused leading the lasher around the place. . . .

I had them smoothing and detailing things a bit to try and avoid them going into a melancholy as occured last time I had so few dwarves. . . .

Yeah, the items need to be secured inside the fortress soon, probably a good idea to use Therapist to get fewer people hauling if you want them indoors!


Staff member
17th Hematite, 1057
The merchants are leaving, and the bloody broker never did show up to the depot to trade. Guess we're on our own for a bit longer.

13th Malachite, 1057
More migrants. We really need to pick up food production if we're going to support this many beards.

22nd Malachite, 1057
Some buzzards are harassing anyone who ventures outside. Sounds like a nice easy problem for our military to handle.

23rd Malachite, 1057
The squad manages to murder a buzzard, but not before it injures a cat. Good enough, I guess.

8th Galena, 1057
I've come up with a brilliant plan to save us from that goblin lasher. A CATAPULT.

I've also assigned a bookkeeper so we can get a handle on all the crap we have laying around.

The indoor farm plots were completely broken, I've moved them to a different room that doesn't think it's both outside and inside at the same time.

6th Limestone, 1057
A thief is discovered in the fortress, and is quickly killed. Good that our military can get some proper practice.

5th Sandstone, 1057
One of the dwarves has been possessed and has claimed a forge...

The catapult is also ready. Preparing to open fire on that damned lasher from a distance. The squad is stationed nearby just in case.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah, nice, a catapult. I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing this fort again before too long and hopefully this time I won't have catastrophe striking at the very last moment.

How many living dwarves does that put us to?


Staff member
Somewhere around 23 I believe. We occasionally lose one as they like to wander too close to the lasher when they're on break, for some reason.


Staff member
25th Moonstone, 1057
Catapult has been firing at the goblin lasher for quite some time now, but has yet to score a hit. I'll let him go, cause it's not like we need the stone.

I traded a ton of crafts and such for some food and booze. Our stocks look good now, so we should be fine for the foreseeable future. Time to really start focusing on defense.

I've designated a trench dug from the stream to the hospital so we can install a well. Dwarves are starting to complain about the lack of one, and it's always good to have one in the hospital.

17th Obsidian, 1057
Setup for the well is complete. As soon as the water thaws in the spring, it will be pumped into the fortress.

1st Granite, 1058
And my year is up. Priorities for the next leader:

One of our dwarves is having a fey mood. He's chilling in the dining hall, so we don't have the kind of workshop he's looking for. I tried building a jeweler's workshop, but no dice. I've designated two more workshop spaces to be dug out, but you might consider building some workshops on the surface until you figure out what he needs.

I don't think our military is ready to take on that lasher yet. I'd leave him be unless something happens and it becomes necessary to kill him. With any luck we'll kill him with the catapult, anyway. Once we've got some more iron bars, it would be wise to make some armour and weapons for the troops as well.

Otherwise, we're looking good.

Here's the save file http://ge.tt/7IBAfwz

The map archive is being a bitch, so I can't upload there for viewing.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Well, I uploaded the map but it's missing pretty much all of the levels where the fortress actually is though it seems to include a lot of levels that don't have any content. Sure you're selecting the right layers?


Active Member
Well, DF seems to select the right layers for you automatically so that might be what you've been doing.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It selects any layer that has a building in it, though there's an oddity in that it doesn't care whether you built the building or an AI did. On our map there's something down at layer 16 but I deselected that after the first export.