Free 10 day trial


Junior Administrator
Been waiting a long while for this to appear and now it has.

Try it while it's hot

I'd suggest waiting a little while as the slayers are released V soon and they are going to be AWESOME.

But been a long while in coming.

I know a few guys have been talking about wanting to try it as well.

All the RvR action is now on Eltharion. If anyone needs a guild invite once you try it then let me know. Also as of Wednesday I'll be starting a Slayer so you can come play with me and Carps from the low levels and we can sex you up punk dwarf style.


Well-Known Member
Also, how big is the game install? I need to know just how much por- I mean, stuff... to delete :)


I meant to post this up aswell, looks like you beat me to it Bob. I don't know how big the trial is but the actual game is about 11.6 GB.

I've just transfered my char over to eltharion, however I think I'm going to have a bash at a slayer aswell when it comes out. It looks awesome.


Active Member
Despite my notorious lack of time I'm downloading this. D'oh!

I hope you'll extend a helping limb and tell me about stuff later on when I get it installed and shit ;)


Well-Known Member
If you really no-lifed it, and there's no level cap in the trial, you could potentially get to 40 in 10 days...

I'm almost tempted to come back for it :p


Active Member
The level cap on the trial is 10, you can't use auctioneers and something else I don't remember.


Well-Known Member
Slayers are AWESOME

I'm really glad they listened to the community on that one; and after originally saying they couldn't and wouldn't do slayers because of the difficulty in changing "armour" looks (as they technically don't wear any) through the level progression, they caved in and did it anyways :p

Slayers > Hammerers


Junior Administrator
Yeah also the way they have incorporated the lore into the game is awesome as well. A lot of concern and time was taken over getting the slayer lore just right.

Also only lvl 10 sucks balls. That will take you only a few hours and all the fun stuff happens after that and I mean all the fun stuff. RvR doesn't really get fun until T2/3.

That sucks. Well I suppose it still gives an insight into the game a little.
The lack of AH is no biggy you need nothing from there really until later unless you really are too lazy to play to get gear.


Active Member
Well, it DOES provide some insight and for a first-timer like me it will take a bit longer than "a few hours".

So far I like what I see.

How's stuff in endgame: RvR "only" or is there an appropriate amount of PvE fun available as well? Instances and stuff, I dunno.


Junior Administrator
Yeah plenty of dungeons and other instances in the end game to do with hopefully more on the way. There are the main lvl 40 instances in the major cities and on the way up there are also a shit ton of public quests which you can do in anything from 2-9 man groups.

Anyhow as I say I'll be slayering up quite soon so if anyone wants anyone to join to do some of the T1 PQs with then pls shout.


Active Member
Also I should mention the trial account is limited to a couple servers. I myself am on Karak-something. I couldn't roll elsewhere.


Active Member
Ooh, free trial, I may well have to give this a try, is there a time-limit on when I can make an account, I have two essays due this week. T_T