Freedom of Expression, how free?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Eurogamer have run an article on the game Call of Jihadi. I don't think I can do the piece justice so just read it.

Read it?

Then answer me this: how free should we be to express ourselves, really? Is Call of Jihadi an expression of freedom or an attempt to bring harm to others, albeit indirectly?

(This stuff can get inflammatory. Post with your usual care and attention, please.)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just to add a little more into this pot, BBC News are reporting on a film posted by a Dutch politician called Geert Wilders. Apparently the film equates the Koran and Islam to violence, which some would say is inappropriate. Again, the banner of "freedom of speech" is waved as a reason for creating and posting this film. Again, others argue that the posting of this film shows a lack of proper social responsibility and a lack of respect for others' beliefs.

Where do the boundaries lie? Are there any boundaries at all? Is it inevitable that my free speech will offend someone somewhere? Is that a reason to hold my tongue? Does sensitivity come into play anywhere in here? How about respect?

Complex issue, I feel.


Staff member
I actually believe in total, or as near as we can get, freedom of expression, at least when it comes to media. IRL, of course, some rules have to apply. Re this particular game, I'm sure you're talking about "Virtual Jihadi", since "Call of..." is only mentioned in the article title. It seems like a good, thought-provoking piece of art to me. And as I've come to expect, thought-provoking stuff is not what they want in the states atm. This piece could be compared to, say, Ecce Homo (in which Jesus and the apostles were portrayed as(by? can't remember) homosexuals and transsexuals with HIV. Or any other piece of art where an original message is reversed. Seeing those get banned is an attempt to bring harm to others (by propagandaism and censorship) in my opinion.

Don't have time to construe an elaborate answer, so please pick on my points and let's have a discussion (unless you agree, in which case we shall sit around a campfire and sing instead).


New Member
As out of character as it is, I have to agree with DocBot :)p). This game should be allowed, providing of course it doesn't break any laws (inciting racial hatred etc. etc.)


In Cryo Sleep
Well lets face it, people get offended by anything and everything. The fact remains that things such as Virtual Jihadi are ways of opening peoples eyes to very dilicate things, and naturally going with my original point people are offended by that, perhaps there are simply some people in the world who want to remain ignorant? Or of course want other people to be ignorant, perhaps for their own profit, i my self can't see a way to profit for these sorts of things but theres probably some way or another.
I mean, im part American and im not offended by the game in anyway, its all fair play, how many people in the world are going to play that game and think "wow now i feel like killing the real Bush"? Its like saying games cause violence, perhaps to an extent they do, i mean there are people out there who can be influenced that much, but games haven't been banned have they? Its all fair play if your special forces killing rebels or the Allies/Soviets killing Nazis.
But as soon as its killing the USAs President its suddenly bad? You know because how many people dislike Bush? Because in games like CoD you CAN play against the Allies and thats ok, so surely this should be aswell?


theres a very thin line these days between freedom of speech / expression and political correctness in my opinion. but lets be honest the world would be a very boring place if we all agreed and thought the same things and held the same things dear.

Personally i try to listen to everyones views and opinions and respect people who can pressent the basis of their opinion and maybe bounce ideas about. its the people who are closed and narrow minded that cause all the problems and as long as this goes on we will have this issue. (so forever)

But this old argument has been kicking about for years now and always pops its head up in one form of medium or another.

Release the game or whatever and worry about the backlash later.

I have never thought of video games as art but now that you mention it thats a good angle. (interactive art):D

Has anyone ever thought that extreme islamic terrorists and generally the islamic world would love to be able to buy a game where they get to kill americans in america ???