
Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
This is a discussion thread for friendly matches, if you fancy a one off match, or have a spare 1 and a half hour slot to fill in an evening, post the times and dates here. Keep yourselves sharp for the next league we'll run!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
My brother's coming over this evening so I'll need to pass. Not getting a whole lot of game playing time just at the moment...


Well-Known Member
I won't be around til much later tonight, but depending on when you're around I'd still be up for one. The Hippies are sitting at 1600 rating now though >.<


Well-Known Member
As I was tonight, I shall be around tomorrow. Usually from 8 onwards... This WElf team is jumping along though, 1660 rating may be a little extreme :\


Well-Known Member
I shall start a new bunch of various teams at some point, and utilising the usefulness of being in the same room as Vel, I'll boost them to various team values so all bases are covered.


Well-Known Member
Want a game against you Ronin as i dont think we actually have had more than 1 (if any) games and we had to force our league game.