Friendly Vs TC (8/1/2006) REDONE!

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Ok as no-one seems to have spotted the other post (and that thread's gone into spam now) I'll slap it here, so you all see!

If I had some way of slapping this up-top and insuring you all read it I would. Hopefully someone with mod powers can slap this up for me!

Anyhoo, been talking with leader of TC
Slight Change to Friendly!
Team size is extended to 14 players each (so continue to sign up)
They don't want unlocks, so they're off unless anyone has an objection.
Finally TC is looking for an organised clan war, so tacticians step forward!

Oh and expect the second map to be Mashtuur City!

Syline said:
Hi! smile

We were looking for an organised ED style match, just with the difference that it's a friendly, and not any ladder match. I'm not sure what you mean with un-organised random fun, as friendlies usually are for fun and practice anyway. smile.gif Did you want this to be like a random pub match, where teams are mixed up etc?

We could change it to 14v14 if you like. smile.gif

Oh and another thing, I noticed haven put it up with global unlocks in your calendar, but we would prefer playing without unlocks. Is that okay for you?
So pending conformation by Syline, this match will be as follows:
2 Rounds PM (20 mins), Sharqi + Mash
Global Unlocks off
14 players per team (plus 2 reserves)
Match at 8pm, all players on T.S by 7:30

Finally, at the moment there has only been 12 sign-ups, I know we can fill this Void. THN needs you!, to sign up visit this bit of the callender :
and click the "I will be attending this event" link

Keep this thread spam free please, post in the other thread.
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