Skipped a month due to being pretty busy, but here's the numbers as they stand right now:
As you can see, our donations have held up at a higher level than anticipated since November last year and so we're now getting in better shape for the future.
First bit of good news: our debt to Haven for outstanding invoices is now paid off. Hurrah! Good work everyone!
The main bit we're struggling on is our fund for replacing or renovating Promethius, our server. We're fractionally up on our previous estimate in December (of £330), which is great, but we're still some way shy of being able to pay for a serious hardware uplift. To meet our (notional) target of £500, we need our monthly donations to rise, on average, by ~£15.
Thank you again to everyone for everything you do for THN. We appreciate it greatly!
Outstanding Invoices £0
Cash in Kitty £75.00
Debt Exposure to THN £0
Donations for last six months:
August 2010 £42.50
September 2010 £47.50
October 2010 £332.50
November 2010 £105.00
December 2010 £125.00
January 2011 £112.50
Anticipated donations:
February 2011 £90.00 approx
Monthly costs £65.95
Promethius replacement fund £340 approx by end of 2011
As you can see, our donations have held up at a higher level than anticipated since November last year and so we're now getting in better shape for the future.
First bit of good news: our debt to Haven for outstanding invoices is now paid off. Hurrah! Good work everyone!
The main bit we're struggling on is our fund for replacing or renovating Promethius, our server. We're fractionally up on our previous estimate in December (of £330), which is great, but we're still some way shy of being able to pay for a serious hardware uplift. To meet our (notional) target of £500, we need our monthly donations to rise, on average, by ~£15.
Thank you again to everyone for everything you do for THN. We appreciate it greatly!