Fund Raising!



At the moment, THN relies solely on donations and subscriptions.

On the old forums, there was talk of introducing "THN T-Shirts" however we all decided that might be a bit too .....

So how about this?

Cheap, disposable ball-pens, engraved with Set-up cost shouldn't be too high, and on a personal level, I'm always up for a massive supply of cheap loosable pens (I go through about a biro a day at the moment lol)

The added benefit of this, in the communist enviroment I inhabit (College) where we find pens lying around, every pen found in my college would be engraved with THN..

Advertising? cheap ball-pens for cheap arse students?

Double check!

What do you think?


Junior Administrator
Strangely enough, I'm not hearing a lot of enthusiasm for that idea!!! :p

Anyway, yes I would agree that THN needs more funds and fundraisers, the problem is time, and capital. I've had some ideas for fundraising in the past that I'm poking at haven to see if he agrees whether any could be done or not. (let's just say, one includes the comedy... and some high quality sparkly bits :D edit: I've just noticed how that sounded, so I'll just say I'm referring to sound quality. Not whatever it is you are thinking of. Dirty child. :p).


Staff member

I've not done anything with it yet but if some artistic types want to put some designs toegether.

Personally I'm not interested in pens, but T-shirts and mugs I would be more interested in (particularly thermos mugs if they do them).

Unfortunately as you've probably all noticed, most of the key members of THN are flat out of time to do anymore than we already do so we'll be looking for you energetic youngsters to come help out with any new ideas where you can :) So if you've a good idea and a bit of free time/enthusiasm then help us oldies out and get involved.