[FUNDS] Server status


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Apologies to all for not keeping up with this, it's been a funny old year, but I thought I better make this post to update all on status of server funds.

With the changes to the webpage i think the server update (that was in nice box) has lost its prevalance and therefore we are lacking a bit in funds.

At the moment we have £236.54 GBP in the Paypal account. Mostly donated through a few people's monthly subsciptions. In terms of what we have to pay off we have 4 x £55.23, 2 x £62.28 and 1x £60.95. Which by my calcs equals £406.43 which means we are down by £169.89.

At the moment these are payed but need to be covered from us.

This covers the period from 1st of July to the end of the year.

We need to get some fundraising going to cover this either through maybe a christmas raffle or more subscriptions but are we using the server to its fullest???

So there are 3 points to this post.

1. to update you all on where we are at?
2. to ask how much are we using the server and is it worth what we are paying?
and 3. Can someone else take over the accounts since I really do not have the time for it.......


Junior Administrator
I'll throw some cash at it when I get paid next - should be between Xmas and new year.

Regarding the question "are we using it enough?" Probably not.

Is that a possible indication of saying "there is a possibility we could shut the server down?"

I think that teamspeak is used for it alot, also its used for TF2 and for L4D, maybe we can think of some more uses for it (I've been thinking of suggesting the possibility of doing a THN Trackmania server - maybe its time to do that, but that's a debate for another thread :D)


Junior Administrator
I'm going to setup a monthly thing now that I'm salaried and what have you. Regarding use of the server I think L4D has shown how awesome it is that we have promethius and I like the idea of a THn tmnf server. It has been tried before and the issue is getting a good fresh rotation of tracks as well as keeping it modded and populated anyway as you say a topic for another thread.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
It's relavant here though... how long have you "thought" about doing it..... what is stopping it? except maybe yourselves? Proactiveness don't you love it :D.


Junior Administrator
It's relavant here though... how long have you "thought" about doing it..... what is stopping it? except maybe yourselves? Proactiveness don't you love it :D.

My issue is that although a TMN server would be cool, I am hardly playing it lately, and I'm not sure that having a THN server that I could perhaps become a mod of will change that.


Active Member
When we set up a TMN server in the past it was popular for a few weeks with people setting up events, but it quickly died down. I would love to play it again on THN now and then but it's one of those games I can't really commit to playing often.


Well-Known Member
I think getting the THN TF2 server up for the Christmas thang is a stones throw short of a necessity.


Staff member
Just to clarify what we have on the server at the moment:

* TeamSpeak (both zentih and thehaven hosted)
* Shoutcast Stream (part of THNRadio)
* Most THN web-pages including this one.
* Associated web services (SSH/FTP/IMAP/SMTP/DNS/Mailman/memcached)
* 24 player TF2 server (mostly unused ?)
* 2 x Left4Dead Servers (27019 and 27027 ports)
* COD4 Server (port 28960)
* X server hosting (KDE) ... mostly used by Haven.
* Gentoo distfile mirror - again used by Haven (gentoo.thehavennet.org.uk)

Usage wise system is averaging around 30% load so we're comfortable with what we're doing now.

Bandwidth usage is between 130 and 160 GB /month of our 3TB limit.

If we were to ditch promethius at some point then I would take it over as my personal server once again since I own the hardware. If needed I could host the web sites and auxillary web services on saratoga without issues. Hosting Teamspeak as well might prove difficult however.

Just a little scene setting there. Even if THN no longer want the usage of promethius I'll probably keep it running for my own stuff.


Staff member
bump on this. We're going to need some fund raising help and also open those thread for discussion on games you want to host and things you want to do on the server.


Active Member
While my funds are extremely limited, especially considering the comparative average income in UK and CzechRep, I'd still be happy to toss in a coin or two if it's needed. Where can I learn how to do that? Someone in this thread mentioned a PayPal account but didn't "link" it, so here I am, asking.


Junior Administrator
Just set up a £5 monthly subscription. If a more immediate payment is also required, I can do that too :)


Staff member
Quick update on this. FAQ has been updated with waterproof bob's paypal details. Fury has paid all but three of the invoices now and will be handling one more of the remaining in the week to come. Bob has two invoices that are unpaid sent to him.

Users who were subscribed to monthly payments to sgtfury have now been pm'd to change their details to pay waterproof instead.

Bottom line is that the handover is now 90% complete and all the important bits have been done. Thanks to Bob and Fury for their time and help in getting this far :)


Staff member
Sorry if we missed you. You didn't show up in Fury's subscription list when we loked. Cancel your paypal subscription if you would please and re-subscribe via the links in the FAQ donations section.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
There were a few subscriptions that died due to Paypal... so if you thought you were donating Paypal might of cancelled it :).