Fury is Away!!!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Yup that's right for the next 3 and 1/2 weeks from Sunday onwards I will be incommunicado, away sunning myself on a beach in Mauritius. :) This is the partial reason why I've been a bit quiet on the weekends trying to get ready for it all.

Is it just a holiday nope, I am also getting married to my lovely fiancee at the same time. So when I come back I will be Mr Fury with wedding band and all.

Hope everything stays sane and intact for when I come back. You never know I might even post up some piccys.


Staff member
Have fun matey and we'll all still be here ... slightly scorched and surrounded by the remains of THN when you get back :)

If you need me to do anything with server payments etc then please drop me details before you go, its looking like it wont be due before you are back though but I could be wrong.


In Cryo Sleep
No Fury for 3.5 weeks?

Zoiks, what will Alpha do?!?!

Have a good time in Mauritius :D.

Enjoy getting bound down for life :p.


Well-Known Member
Have fun! My brother had his honeymoon in Mauritus, came back with quite a tan too.


In Cryo Sleep
Nanor said:
Have fun! My brother had his honeymoon in Mauritus, came back with quite a tan too.
An irish guy with a tan? ive got to see that!

Congrats Fury and all the best to you and your soon-to-be wife,have a good'en!