My Dad pointed me to a site for classifying galaxies called Galaxy Zoo.
After a short tutorial and "test" against galaxies they already know the answers for you are let loose on imagery of galaxies taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which aims to gather pictures of a million galaxies. As humans are currently much better at pattern recognition than computers you'd be helping out figuring out what all these galaxies really are... and perhaps finding some cool weird stuff while you're at it.
After a short tutorial and "test" against galaxies they already know the answers for you are let loose on imagery of galaxies taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which aims to gather pictures of a million galaxies. As humans are currently much better at pattern recognition than computers you'd be helping out figuring out what all these galaxies really are... and perhaps finding some cool weird stuff while you're at it.